subshift /data/ - 3:42 > /data/ #### subshift /data/ + 1:5:32,242 > /data/ #### #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; ############################################# # init my ( $infile, $oper, $shiftime ) = @ARGV; usage() if not ( $infile and $oper and $shiftime); usage() if ( $oper ne "+" and $oper ne "-" ); ############################################# # main open my $fh, "<", $infile or die "error opening '$infile':$!"; $shiftime = time_to_sec($shiftime); while (<$fh>) { if ( m/^(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2},\d+)\s\-\-\>\s(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2},\d+)/ ) { my ($start, $end) = ( $1, $2); my $startsec = time_to_sec($start); my $endsec = time_to_sec($end); if ( $oper eq "+" ) { $startsec += $shiftime; $endsec += $shiftime; } else { # bug : should check that time stays positive $startsec -= $shiftime; $endsec -= $shiftime; } $start = sec_to_time($startsec); $end= sec_to_time($endsec); print "$start --> $end\r\n"; } else { print $_ ; } } close $fh; ############################################# # subs sub usage { print "usage : $0 <+|-> \n\n"; print "duration is expressed in hours:minutes:secondes,milliseconds.\nLeading zeros are optional.\n"; print "result output to stdout.\n"; exit 1; } sub time_to_sec { my $time = shift; my @elems = split(':', $time); my $seconds = pop @elems; my $minutes = pop @elems; my $hours = pop @elems; $seconds =~ s/,/./g; # force to numerical $hours += 0; $minutes += 0; $seconds += 0; # convert to seconds for easier manipulation my $time_sec = ( $hours * 3600 ) + ($minutes * 60 ) + $seconds ; return $time_sec; } sub sec_to_time { my $sectime = shift; my $hours = sprintf( "%02d", int ( $sectime / 3600 ) ); my $minutes = sprintf( "%02d", int ( ( $sectime - ( $hours * 3600 ) ) / 60 ) ); my $seconds = sprintf( "%02.3f", ( ( $sectime - ( $hours * 3600 ) ) - ( $minutes * 60 )) ); $seconds =~ s/\./,/g; return "$hours:$minutes:$seconds"; }