############################################ # Function: ############################################ #Print deleting line details to file and Continue sub outputdeletedlines { print $JBM " inside outputdeletedlines\n"; my $ai_div = $_[0]; my $ai_store = $_[1]; my $ai_reg = $_[2]; my $al_trans = $_[3]; #my $adt_h_date = $_[4]; my $org_adt_h_date = $_[4]; # print $JBM "-- $adt_h_date --"; my $adt_h_date = "'".$org_adt_h_date."'"; #2010-04-26 14:07:09 my $datetime = localtime(); my $file = $inputfile; my $delete_log = ''; my $ac_seq_nbr; my $ac_sale_amount; #If already has input files, outputs name of current working file #Else puts a default one in the current directory if( $inputfile ) { $delete_log = $file . "_delete_" . $master_job_no . "-" . $job_number . "\.log"; } else{ $file = 'Default'; $delete_log = $file . "_delete_0-0\.log"; } if( !$Config{delete_dir} ) { $Config{delete_dir} = getcwd(). "/"; } open( my $delete_fh, ">>", $Config{delete_dir} . $delete_log ) or die "Failed to open delete file\n"; my $SQL = "Select tran_seq_nbr, sale_amount From KCPOS_Tran_Header Where org_number = :org_no And store_number = :str_no And tran_number = :tran_no And terminal_number = :term_no And tran_Date = to_date(:tran_dt,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')"; # And tran_Date = :tran_dt"; print $JBM "preparing delete SQL\n"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL) or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr; # my $adt_h_date = $dbh->quote('$org_adt_h_date'); print $JBM "-- $adt_h_date --"; print $JBM "prepared SQL\n"; # $sth->execute(q{to_date('$adt_h_date','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')}) # or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sth->errstr; $sth->bind_param(":org_no",$ai_div); $sth->bind_param(":str_no",$ai_store,); $sth->bind_param(":tran_no",$al_trans); $sth->bind_param(":term_no",$ai_reg); $sth->bind_param(":tran_dt",$adt_h_date); $sth->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sth->errstr; ( $ac_seq_nbr, $ac_sale_amount ) = $sth->fetchrow(); $sth->finish(); print $delete_fh "\n Tran_Seq_Nbr: $ac_seq_nbr\t Division: $ai_div\t Store : $ai_store\t Register: $ai_reg\t Tran: $al_trans\t Date: $adt_h_date\t Sale Amt: $ac_sale_amount"; close $delete_fh; return; }