Acme:: Joke and humor. Not for production code. Algorithm:: Algorithms, somewhat mathematical, that don't fit into other cats. Alien:: Perl modules that install non-Perl code. Apache:: Apache web server. Astro:: Astronomy, star charts. ... Bundle:: Modules to install sets of other modules. Business:: Handling money or time, mostly within the Western, white-collar office life. Carp:: Report errors from caller's location. Catalyst:: Catalyst web application framework. CGI:: Common Gateway Interface. CLI:: * see Getopt:: Config:: Configuration files. Crypt:: Cryptography. Data:: * ... Getopt:: Command line processing. GPS:: Global Positioning System. HTML:: HyperText Markup Language generation. Image:: Images, graphic files (GIF, JPEG, PNG, etc.) Also PerlMagick/ImageMagick. IO:: Input/Output (but see also File::). ...