#!/usr/bin/perl -- while(){ /^\s+$/ and next; if(/George/){ print "No soup for you!\n"; } print "What soup you want? $_"; } __DATA__ Kramer Elaine George #### $ perl -d:Trace nosoup.pl >> nosoup.pl:2: while(){ >> nosoup.pl:3: /^\s+$/ and next; >> nosoup.pl:3: /^\s+$/ and next; >> nosoup.pl:4: if(/George/){ >> nosoup.pl:7: print "What soup you want? $_"; What soup you want? Kramer >> nosoup.pl:3: /^\s+$/ and next; >> nosoup.pl:3: /^\s+$/ and next; >> nosoup.pl:4: if(/George/){ >> nosoup.pl:7: print "What soup you want? $_"; What soup you want? Elaine >> nosoup.pl:3: /^\s+$/ and next; >> nosoup.pl:3: /^\s+$/ and next; >> nosoup.pl:4: if(/George/){ >> nosoup.pl:5: print "No soup for you!\n"; No soup for you! >> nosoup.pl:7: print "What soup you want? $_"; What soup you want? George