#!/usr/bin/perl # # Script to backup dot- and other files # # Copyright (C) 2009, Sven-Thorsten Fahrbach # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . use strict; use warnings; use File::Path; use File::Basename; use File::Spec; use File::Copy; use Cwd; use Getopt::Long; use Fcntl qw/ :DEFAULT :flock /; my $VERSION = "0.9"; ############################################################## # VARIABLE DECLARATIONS AND THE LIKE ############################################################## # get a timestamp in the format YYYYMMDDHMS my ($year, $month, $dayofmonth, $hour, $minute, $second) = (localtime())[5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]; $year += 1900; $month++; my $timestamp = "$year$month$dayofmonth-$hour$minute$second"; # standard values for config file/command line options my $dotbackup_home = get_dotbackup_home(); my $working_dir = $ENV{HOME}; my $filename = "dotbackup$timestamp"; my $destination_dir = getcwd; my $path_to_conf_file = get_path_to_conf_file(); my $path_to_log_file = File::Spec->catfile($dotbackup_home, "log"); my $path_to_file_list = File::Spec->catfile($dotbackup_home, "files"); my $compression_level = 1; my $gzip_options = ''; my $tar_options = ''; my $show_help = ''; my $show_version = ''; # this is the array with the files that are to be backed up my @backup_files = get_files(); # $log_level can be: # 0 - quiet mode, no logging # 1 - errors # 2 - warnings # 3 - info # 4 - debug my $log_level = 4; # Get values from the configuration file. Default values will be overwritten # with values from the config. parse_config($path_to_conf_file) if $path_to_conf_file; # Get command line options. These will overwrite default options and values # we got from the configuration file. my $result = GetOptions("working-dir=s" => \$working_dir, "filename=s" => \$filename, "destination-dir=s" => \$destination_dir, "logfile=s" => \$path_to_log_file, "file-list=s" => \$path_to_file_list, "log-level=i" => \$log_level, "compression-level=i" => \$compression_level, "gzip-options=s" => \$gzip_options, "tar-options=s" => \$tar_options, "help" => \$show_help, "version" => \$show_version); help_and_exit() if $show_help; version_and_exit() if $show_version; $compression_level = 1 if $compression_level < 1; $compression_level = 9 if $compression_level > 9; # commands that have to be invoked by us my $tar = "tar -cf "; my $gzip = "gzip -$compression_level "; #################################################################### # MAIN #################################################################### # declare LOG file handle my $LOG; sysopen ($LOG, $path_to_log_file, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT) or die "Can't open $path_to_log_file: $!"; # We'll try and keep a lock on the log file for the duration of our script flock($LOG, LOCK_EX) or die "Can't get a lock on $path_to_log_file"; logger("invoked script", 3); logger("compression level is $compression_level", 3); # try to append leftover command line arguments to our @backup_files foreach (@ARGV) { my $cur_file; unless (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($_)) { $cur_file = File::Spec->catfile($working_dir, $_); } next unless -e $cur_file; push @backup_files, File::Spec->canonpath($cur_file); } if (@backup_files == 0) { print "Nothing to do\n"; logger("file stack empty - nothing to do", 3); exit(0); } # build tar-string $tar .= "$tar_options " if $tar_options; my $absolute_filename = File::Spec->catfile($destination_dir, $filename . ".tar"); $tar .= "$absolute_filename "; foreach (@backup_files) { # Remove trailing slash or else tar will archive to contents of the # directory instead of the directory itself which is probably not what # we want. s/\/$//; $tar .= "$_ "; } logger("Archiving " . scalar(@backup_files) . " entries", 3); logger("tar string: $tar", 4); # invoke tar my $tar_result; $tar_result = `$tar`; if ($!) { logger("tar error: $!", 1); logger("exited abnormally", 1); die "tar exited abnormally: $!"; } logger("tar exited successfully", 4); logger("tar output: $tar_result", 4); # invoke gzip $gzip .= "$gzip_options " if $gzip_options; $gzip .= $absolute_filename; my $gzip_result; $gzip_result = `$gzip`; if ($!) { logger("gzip error: $!", 1); logger("gzip exited abnormally", 1); die "gzip exited abnormally: $!"; } logger("gzip exited successfully", 4); logger("gzip output: $gzip_result", 4); logger("script exiting successfully", 3); # release lock on log file, close FH and exit successfully flock($LOG, LOCK_UN); close($LOG); exit(0); ############################################################### # SUBROUTINES ############################################################### sub parse_config { my $conf_filename = shift; unless (open(CONF, $conf_filename)) { warn "Could not open config $conf_filename"; return; } while () { chomp; next if /^\s*$/; # ignore blank lines next if /^\s*#/; # ignore lines consisting of comments only if (/^working-dir\w*=\w*(.+)$/) { unless (-d $1) { warn "in $conf_filename line $.: Directory does not exist"; next; } $working_dir = $1; next; } if (/^destination-dir\s*=\s*(.+)$/) { unless (-d $1) { warn "in $conf_filename line $.: Directory does not exist"; next; } $destination_dir = $1; next; } if (/^log-file\s*=\s*(.+)$/) { if (-d $1) { warn "in $conf_filename line $.: $1 is a directory"; next; } unless (-e $1) { unless (open(LOG, ">", $1)) { warn "in $conf_filename line $.: Cannot open $1 for writing: $!"; next; } print LOG "[" . scalar(localtime()) . "] Created logfile\n"; } close(LOG); $path_to_log_file = $1; next; } if (/^file-list\s*=\s*(.+)$/) { if (-d $1) { warn "in $conf_filename line $.: $1 is a directory"; next; } unless (-e $1) { warn "in $conf_filename line $.: $1 does not exist"; next; } $path_to_file_list = $1; next; } if (/^tar-options\s*=\s*(.*)$/) { $tar_options = $1; } if (/^gzip-options\s*=\s*(.*)$/) { $gzip_options = $1; } if (/^compression-level\s*=\s*(\d)$/) { $compression_level = $1; } if (/^filename\s*=\s*(.+)$/) { $filename = "$1$timestamp"; next; } } } sub get_files { unless (open(FILES, $path_to_file_list)) { warn "Cannot open $path_to_file_list: $!"; return } my @filelist; while () { chomp; next if /^\s*$/; # ignore blank lines next if /^\s*#/; # ignore lines containing only comments my $cur_file; unless (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($_)) { $cur_file = File::Spec->catfile($working_dir, $_); } next unless -e $cur_file; push @filelist, File::Spec->canonpath($cur_file); } close(FILES); return @filelist; } sub logger { my ($message, $level) = @_; return if $level > $log_level; # name log levels my @level_names = qw( NONE ERROR WARNING INFO DEBUG ); # autoflush output for current scope only local $| = 1; # DEBUG #print "\@level_names:\n"; #print "\t$_\n" foreach @level_names; #print "\$level: $level\n"; #print "\$message: $message\n"; print $LOG "[" . scalar(localtime()) . "] " . $level_names[$level] . ": $message\n"; } sub get_dotbackup_home { my $dotbackup_home_path = File::Spec->catdir($ENV{HOME}, ".dotbackup"); unless (-d $dotbackup_home_path) { mkpath($dotbackup_home_path) or die "Could not create dir $dotbackup_home_path: $!"; } return $dotbackup_home_path; } sub get_path_to_conf_file { my $conf_file_path = File::Spec->catfile($dotbackup_home, "conf"); #GetOptions("config=s" => \$path); #return if $path == undef; unless (-e $conf_file_path) { # warn "File $conf_file_path does not exist.\n"; return; } if (-d $conf_file_path) { warn "$conf_file_path is a directory.\n"; return; } return File::Spec->canonpath($conf_file_path); } sub help_and_exit { print <. EOHELP exit(0); } sub version_and_exit { print <. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Sven-Thorsten Fahrbach. EOVERSION exit(0); } #### # config file for dotbackup # Entries here override default options. # Command line arguments override config-file options # working-directory: default is ${HOME} # working-directory = /home/sven # destination-directory: default is pwd destination-dir = /home/sven/backups # log-file: default is ~/.dotbackup/log # log-file = /home/sven/.dotbackup/log # file-list: list of files to be backed up, default is ~/.dotbackup/files # file-list = /home/sven/.dotbackup/files # tar-options: additional options to be passed to tar, default is undef # Use the following argument to exclude .tmp files from the archive # tar-options = --exclude=*.tmp # gzip-options: dito gzip # use the following option to suppress output from gzip: # gzip-options = --quiet # compression-level: compression level for gzip to be used, default is 1 # use the following option for best compression (might be slow) # compression-level = 9 compression-level = 3 # filename: filename to be used for the tarball, default is dotbackup + # timestamp, do not include file suffixes, these are added automatically # filename = mybackup #### .bashrc bin .fetchmailrc .forward .irssi .msmtprc .mutt .muttrc .procmail .procmailrc .purple .urlview .vim .vimrc