$ perl thread.pl -N=100 Time taken w/ threads: 0.0077 seconds Time taken w/ forks: 0.0021 seconds #### #! perl -slw use strict; use threads; use Time::HiRes qw[ time ]; use Data::Dump qw[ dump ]; use Storable qw[ store_fd fd_retrieve ]; our $N ||= 10; sub stuff { my %hash = (ARGS => \@_, A => [1 .. 10], B => {'a' .. 'z'}, C => 'Just a big scalar' x 100,); return \%hash; } my $complexData; { my $start = time; for (1 .. $N) { ## "fork" the subroutine my ($thread) = async \&stuff, 1, 2.3, 'four'; ## Do other stuff sleep 1; ## Get the complex results $complexData = $thread->join; } printf "Time taken w/ threads: %.4f seconds\n", (time() - $start) / $N - 1; } my $complexData2; { my $start = time; pipe(READ, WRITE); for (1 .. $N) { my $pid = fork; if (!$pid) { # in the kid - do stuff() and send it back to parent store_fd(stuff(1, 2.3, 'four'), \*WRITE); exit; } ## Do other stuff sleep 1; ## Get the complex results $complexData2 = fd_retrieve(\*READ); waitpid($pid,0); } printf "Time taken w/ forks: %.4f seconds\n", (time() - $start) / $N - 1; } # data should match if (dump($complexData) ne dump($complexData2)) { warn "Data did not match!"; }