use strict; use warnings; sub demoAllocation($$$); demoAllocation ("Distribution: all at mean" , {a=>1000,b=>2000,c=>3000} , { '6.0' => 6000 } ); demoAllocation ("Distribution: unskewed" , {a=>1000,b=>2000,c=>3000} , { '3.0' => 300, '4.0' => 600, '5.0' => 700, '5.5' => 900 , '6.0' => 1000 , '6.5' => 900, '7.0' => 700, '8.0' => 600, '9.0' => 300 } ); demoAllocation ("Distribution: skewed" , {a=>1000,b=>2000,c=>3000} , { '3.0' => 4000, '12.0' => 2000 } ); demoAllocation ("Distribution: skewed: Nasty (Relatively prime)" , {a=>3, b=>3} , {'1.0' => 4, '2.0' => 1, '4.0' => 1 } ); demoAllocation ("Distribution: skewed: Nasty (Grandfather)" , {a=>30, b=>30} , {'1.0' => 40, '2.0' => 10, '4.0' => 10 } ); demoAllocation ("Distribution: Original poster" , {A=>65, B=>12, C=>24, D=>19, E=>30} , {'93.8' => 5, '93.81' => 20, '93.82' => 10 , '93.83' => 15, '93.84' => 25, '93.85' => 5 , '93.87'=>20, '94.0' => 5, '94.1' => 35 , '94.2'=> 10 } ); demoAllocation ("Distribution: camelback: Nasty mark II (Grandfather)/2 " , { a => 15, b => 10, c => 5 } , {'1.0' => 15, '2.0' => 6, '4.0' => 3, '8.0' => 6 } ); demoAllocation ("Distribution: camelback: Nasty mark II (Grandfather)" , { a => 30, b => 20, c => 10 } , {'1.0' => 30, '2.0' => 12, '4.0' => 6, '8.0' => 12 } ); demoAllocation ("Distribution: flat: Limbic~Region" , { a => 3, b => 4, c => 2, d => 2 } , {'1.0' => 1, '2.0' => 1, '3.0' => 1, '4.0' => 1 , '5.0' => 1, '6.0' => 1, '7.0' => 1, '8.0' => 1 , '9.0' => 1, '10.0' => 1, '11.0' => 1 } ); #------------------------------------------------------------ sub demoAllocation($$$) { my ($sDescription, $hBuckets, $hFrequency) = @_; print "$sDescription\n"; my ($dAvg, $hAllocation) = allocate($hBuckets, $hFrequency); foreach my $sId (sort keys %$hAllocation) { my $hItems = $hAllocation->{$sId}; my $dSum = 0; my $iCount = 0; my ($dBucketAvg, $dDeviation); my $iBucketSize = $hBuckets->{$sId}; print "$sId:"; foreach my $dValue (sort keys %$hItems) { my $iFreq = $hItems->{$dValue}; printf "\t%s \@ \$%.2f\n", $iFreq, $dValue; $dSum += $dValue*$iFreq; $iCount += $iFreq; } $dBucketAvg = $dSum/$iCount; $dDeviation = $dBucketAvg - $dAvg; if ($iBucketSize != $iCount) { printf "\t**ERROR**: bucket size: %d, actual allocation: %d\n" , $iBucketSize, $iCount; } printf "\tcount(e/a): %d/%d, bucket avg: \$%.2f, " ."deviation: \$%.3f\n\n" , $iBucketSize, $iCount, $dBucketAvg, $dDeviation; } print "\n"; } #------------------------------------------------------------ sub allocate($$) { my ($hBuckets, $hFrequency) = @_; #calculate deviations from the mean my $dAvg=calcWeightedAvg($hFrequency); my ($iFreqAvg, $aAbove, $aBelow) = calcDeviations($hFrequency, $dAvg); #sort buckets by size: smallest first my $hBucketsBySize = groupBucketsBySize($hBuckets); my @aBuckets = map { [ $_, $hBucketsBySize->{$_} ] } sort keys %$hBucketsBySize; #my @aBuckets = sort { $hBuckets->{$a} <=> $hBuckets->{$b} # } keys %$hBuckets; #allocate items to buckets, smallest first my %hAllocations; my $iFirstAbove = 0; my $iFirstBelow = 0; foreach my $aSameSizeBuckets (@aBuckets) { my $iSize = $aSameSizeBuckets->[0]; my $aIds = $aSameSizeBuckets->[1]; #my $iSize = $hBuckets->{$sId}; fillBucket($iSize, \%hAllocations, $aIds , $dAvg, \$iFreqAvg , $aAbove, \$iFirstAbove , $aBelow, \$iFirstBelow); } return ($dAvg, \%hAllocations); } #------------------------------------------------------------ # SUPPORTING FUNCTIONS - alphabetical order #------------------------------------------------------------ sub calcDeviations($$) { my ($hFrequency, $dAvg) = @_; my @aAbove; my @aBelow; my $iFreqAvg = 0; #calculate deviations from mean while (my ($dValue,$iFreq) = each(%$hFrequency)) { if ($dValue == $dAvg) { $iFreqAvg+=$iFreq; next; } my $dDeviation = $dValue - $dAvg; if (0 < $dDeviation) { push @aAbove, [ $dDeviation, $dValue, $iFreq ]; } else { push @aBelow, [ -$dDeviation, $dValue, $iFreq ]; } } #sort with smallest deviations first return ( $iFreqAvg , [ sort { compareDeviations($a,$b) } @aAbove ] , [ sort { compareDeviations($a,$b) } @aBelow ] ); } #------------------------------------------------------------ sub compareDeviations($$) { my ($x, $y) = @_; return $x->[0] <=> $y->[0]; } #------------------------------------------------------------ sub calcWeightedAvg($) { my $hFrequency = shift @_; my $dSum=0; my $iCount=0; while (my ($dValue,$iFreq) = each(%$hFrequency)) { $dSum+=$dValue*$iFreq; $iCount+=$iFreq; } return $dSum/$iCount; } #------------------------------------------------------------ sub fillBucket($$$$$$$) { my ($iSize, $hAllocations, $aIds , $dAvg, $rFreqAvg , $aAbove, $rFirstAbove , $aBelow, $rFirstBelow) = @_; my $iFilled = 0; #Phase I - allocate to all buckets simultaneously #fillBucketOneByOne($iSize, $hAllocations, $aIds, \$iFilled # , $dAvg, $rFreqAvg # , $aAbove, $rFirstAbove # , $aBelow, $rFirstBelow); #$iSize -= $iFilled; #Phase II - allocate to each bucket individually foreach my $sId (@$aIds) { next unless $iSize; $iFilled = 0; fillBucketOneByOne($iSize , $hAllocations, [$sId], \$iFilled , $dAvg, $rFreqAvg , $aAbove, $rFirstAbove , $aBelow, $rFirstBelow); } } #------------------------------------------------------------ sub fillBucketOneByOne($$$$$$$$$) { my ($iNeeded, $hAllocations, $aIds, $rFilled , $dAvg, $rFreqAvg , $aAbove, $rFirstAbove , $aBelow, $rFirstBelow) = @_; my $iBucketCount = scalar(@$aIds); #take items that are at the mean, if we can if ($iNeeded*$iBucketCount <= $$rFreqAvg) { foreach (@$aIds) { $hAllocations->{$_}->{$dAvg} = $iNeeded; $$rFreqAvg-=$iNeeded; } $$rFilled = $iNeeded; return; } elsif ($iNeeded % $iBucketCount) { return; } while ($iBucketCount <= $$rFreqAvg) { foreach (@$aIds) { $hAllocations->{$_}->{$dAvg}++; $$rFreqAvg--; } $$rFilled++; $iNeeded--; } my $aUp = $aAbove->[$$rFirstAbove]; my $aDown = $aBelow->[$$rFirstBelow]; my $dNetDeviation = 0; #take whatever creates the smallest net deviation # [0] deviation # [1] value # [2] frequency while ($iNeeded > 0) { my $bUseUp = 0; if ($aUp) { if ($aDown) { my $dNetUp = $dNetDeviation + $aUp->[0]; my $dNetDown = $dNetDeviation - $aDown->[0]; if (abs($dNetUp) < abs($dNetDown)) { $bUseUp = 1; $dNetDeviation = $dNetUp; } else { $bUseUp = 0; $dNetDeviation = $dNetDown; } } else { $bUseUp = 1; } } elsif ($aDown) { $bUseUp = 0; } else { return; } if ($bUseUp) { #$hItems->{$aUp->[1]} ++; return if ($aUp->[2] % $iBucketCount); foreach (@$aIds) { $hAllocations->{$_}->{$aUp->[1]} ++; $aUp->[2]--; } $$rFirstAbove++ unless $aUp->[2]; $aUp = $aAbove->[$$rFirstAbove]; } else { #$hItems->{$aDown->[1]} ++; return if ($aDown->[2] % $iBucketCount); foreach (@$aIds) { $hAllocations->{$_}->{$aDown->[1]} ++; $aDown->[2]--; } $$rFirstBelow++ unless $aDown->[2]; $aDown = $aBelow->[$$rFirstBelow]; } $$rFilled++; $iNeeded--; } #return $hItems; } #------------------------------------------------------------ sub groupBucketsBySize($) { my $hBuckets = shift @_; my $hBucketsBySize = {}; while (my ($sId, $iSize) = each (%$hBuckets)) { my $aIds = $hBucketsBySize->{$iSize}; $aIds = $hBucketsBySize->{$iSize} = [] unless $aIds; push @$aIds, $sId; } return $hBucketsBySize; }