#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Gtk2 -init; use Gnome2::Wnck; # section to get all windows my @gdk; my $s = Gtk2::Gdk::Screen->get_default; my $gdkwindow = $s->get_root_window; my ($x0, $y0, $width0, $height0, $depth) = $gdkwindow->get_geometry; #print "geometry x0->$x0, y0->$y0, width->$width0, height->$height0, depth->$depth\n"; my $screen = Gnome2::Wnck::Screen->get_default; $screen->force_update; my @windows = $screen->get_windows; foreach my $fwin (@windows) { push @gdk, Gtk2::Gdk::Window->foreign_new($fwin->get_xid); } ######################## ### control window section with a global grab ############ my $password= 'q'; my $message="Type $password then enter to quit"; my $typed=""; my $gdkwin; my $mw = new Gtk2::Window('popup'); $mw->set_position('center'); # see below for invisible window my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new(0,5); $mw->add($vbox); my $msg_w_markup = Gtk2::Label->new(); $msg_w_markup->set_justify('left'); $msg_w_markup->set_markup(" $message"); $vbox->pack_start($msg_w_markup,0,0,4); my $typed_w_markup = Gtk2::Label->new(); $typed_w_markup->set_justify('left'); $typed_w_markup->set_alignment(0, 0.5); $typed_w_markup->set_markup(" $typed"); $vbox->pack_start($typed_w_markup,0,0,4); $mw->add_events( [ qw(key_press_mask) ]); $mw->signal_connect('key_press_event', \&do_keypress); # if you don't want someone to see password window, # just move it out of sight :-) # $mw->signal_connect('realize', sub { $mw->window->move(2000,2000); }); # must define gdkwin after it is mapped $mw->signal_connect('map', sub { $gdkwin = $mw->window ; do_grab(); }); $mw->show_all; # make the jumping occur my $timer = Glib::Timeout->add (100, \&jump ); Gtk2->main; sub do_grab(){ my $grabstatus= Gtk2::Gdk->keyboard_grab( $gdkwin, 1 ,Gtk2::Gdk::X11->get_server_time($gdkwin) ); if($grabstatus ne "success"){ $msg_w_markup->set_text("keyboard grab failed"); } } sub do_ungrab() { Gtk2::Gdk->keyboard_ungrab(Gtk2::Gdk::X11->get_server_time($gdkwin)); } sub do_keypress(@) { my ($widget,$event)=@_; my $kv = $event->keyval; my $kn = Gtk2::Gdk->keyval_name($kv); if($kn =~ /Return|Enter/){ if($typed eq $password) { do_ungrab(); Gtk2->main_quit; }else{ $typed=""; } }elsif(length($kn) == 1 && $kn =~ /[[:print:]]/){ $typed .= $kn; } my $showtyped=$typed; if(length($showtyped) > 30){ $showtyped=substr($showtyped,0,30); } $typed_w_markup->set_markup(" $showtyped"); } ##################################### sub jump{ foreach( @gdk){ # print "$_\n"; my $xd = rand $width0/2; my $yd = rand $height0/2; $_->move($xd,$yd) } Gtk2->main_iteration while Gtk2->events_pending; return 1; }