#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Exception; my @solutions = ( 'Cody_Pendant', \&Cody_Pendant, 'kyle', \&kyle, 'GrandFather1', \&GrandFather1, 'GrandFather2', \&GrandFather2, 'rjray', \&rjray, 'lidden', \&lidden, 'jwkrahn', \&jwkrahn, 'hipowls', \&hipowls, 'ikegami1', \&ikegami1, 'ikegami2', \&ikegami2, 'tye', \&tye, 'BrowserUk', \&BrowserUk, ); my @tests = ( [ 1 .. 8 ], [ 1 .. 16 ], ); plan 'tests' => scalar @tests * scalar @solutions; # Cody_Pendant's results are the definition of 'correct' my @correct = map { Cody_Pendant( @$_ ) } @tests; # this loop does the actual testing. while ( @solutions ) { my ( $name, $s ) = ( shift @solutions, shift @solutions ); foreach my $n ( 0 .. $#tests ) { my $test = $tests[$n]; my $test_name = sprintf '%s( %d .. %d )', $name, $test->[0], $test->[-1]; my $lives = lives_ok( sub { $s->( @{$test} ) }, "$test_name executes and survives" ); SKIP: { skip "$test_name died", 1 if ! $lives; is( $s->( @{$test} ), $correct[$n], "$test_name" ); } } } ### solutions follow ### sub kyle { my @array = @_; my @other_array = ( map( $_ % 2 ? ( $array[ -$_ ], $array[ $_ - 1 ] ) : ( $array[ $_ - 1 ], $array[ -$_ ] ), 1 .. @array / 2 ), ( $array[ @array / 2 ] ) x !!( @array % 2 ) ); return "@other_array"; } sub Cody_Pendant { my @array = @_; my @other_array = (); while (@array) { if ( $array[0] % 2 ) { push( @other_array, pop(@array), shift(@array) ); } else { push( @other_array, shift(@array), pop(@array) ); } } return "@other_array"; } sub rjray { my @array = @_; my @other = (); while ((@array % 4) == 0) { push(@other, $array[$#array], @array[0, 1], $array[$#array - 1]); splice(@array, 0, 2); splice(@array, -2); } return "@other"; } sub GrandFather1 { my @array = @_; my @other; while (@array) { push @other, @array[-1, 0, 1, -2]; splice @array, 0, 2; splice @array, -2, 2; } return "@other"; } sub GrandFather2 { my @array = @_; my @other; push @other, @array[-$_ * 2 - 1, $_ * 2, $_ * 2 + 1, -$_ * 2 -2] for 0 .. $#array / 4; return "@other"; } sub lidden { my @array = @_; my @other_array; @other_array = pop @array; while (@array > 3) { push @other_array, splice @array, 0, 2; push @other_array, reverse splice @array, -2; } push @other_array, splice @array, 0, 2 if @array > 1; push @other_array, shift @array if @array; return "@other_array"; } sub jwkrahn { my @array = @_; my @other_array; for ( 0 .. @array / 2 ) { my ( $lower, $upper ) = ( shift @array, pop @array ); push @other_array, $lower % 2 ? ( $upper, $lower ) : ( $lower, $upper ); } return "@other_array"; } sub hipowls { my @array = @_; # I don't think I understood hipowls's solution my $n = @array; my @other_array = map { $n + 1 - $_, $_ } 1 .. $n / 2; return "@other_array"; } sub ikegami_a { @_<2 ? @_ : ((pop),(shift),&ikegami_b) } sub ikegami_b { @_<2 ? @_ : ((shift),(pop),&ikegami_a) } sub ikegami1 { my @array = @_; my @other_array = ikegami_a(@array); return "@other_array"; } sub ikegami2a { @_ ? (@_[-1,0,1,-2],ikegami2a(@_[3..$#_-3])) : () } sub ikegami2 { my @array = @_; my @other_array = ikegami2a(@array); return "@other_array"; } sub tye { my @array = @_; my $hi = $array[-1]; my $lo = 1; my @other_array = map $_ & 2 ? $lo++ : $hi--, 1..$hi; return "@other_array"; } sub BrowserUk { my @array = @_; my @other_array = sub{map{pop,shift,shift,pop}1..@_/4}->(@array); return "@other_array"; } sub example { my @array = @_; my @other_array; return "@other_array"; }