(f g) data => data f (g data) #### fn data NB. function applied to data "NB. is comment in J" #### 5 + 5 NB. 5 adds_to 5 5 , 6 NB. 5 appended_to 6 4 { 1 2 3 4 5 NB. 4th element_of the_list_12345 #### (f g) data => data f (g data) #### (f g h) data => (f data) g (h data) #### avg =: +/ % # #### (+/ data) % (# data) (sum-of data) divided-by (number-of-elems data) results in average #### Falkoff and Iverson, The Design of APL, 1973. Falkoff and Iverson, The Evolution of APL, 1978. Iverson, A Personal View of APL, 1991.