perl -D512 -e '$_ = "f\n";/.*\z/s' Compiling REx `.*\z' size 4 Got 36 bytes for offset annotations. first at 2 rarest char at 0 1: STAR(3) 2: SANY(0) 3: EOS(4) 4: END(0) floating ""$ at 0..2147483647 (checking floating) anchored(SBOL) implicit minlen 0 Offsets: [4] 2[1] 1[1] 3[2] 5[0] Omitting $` $& $' support. EXECUTING... Guessing start of match, REx ".*\z" against "f "... Found floating substr ""$ at offset 1... Guessed: match at offset 0 Matching REx ".*\z" against "f " Setting an EVAL scope, savestack=6 0 <> | 1: STAR SANY can match 2 times out of 2147483647... Setting an EVAL scope, savestack=6 2 <> | 3: EOS 2 <> | 4: END Match successful! Freeing REx: `".*\\z"'