#!/usr/local/bin/perl5 ########################################################## # # travesty2.pl # # a third version of travesty to try to speed things up # by Ron Starr # # # Generates a text matching letter frequency of input text. # # # Program does no error checking--you're on your own. # # # Command-line options: # -g The granularity--the number of letters to use to determine # the next letter. Defaults to 3. # -o The number of letters to output. Defaults to 100. # # # Program reads from standard input. # All output is to standard output. # # # Revision History # 05/16/00 First version started. # 05/18/00 ftravesty - attempt to do things w/ # integers # 05/21/00 Version that constructs the table # ########################################################### use Getopt::Std; getopts ("g:o:"); # Set the max letters of output. $MAXLETTERS = ($opt_o)? $opt_o : 100; # Set the granularity $GRAIN = ($opt_g)? $opt_g : 3; if( $GRAIN < 1 ) { die "granularity must be >= 1\n"; } # Set number of letters per line in output $LETTERS_LINE = 70; # # pull in the text, break it into letters, put in letter array # while(<>) { chop; $text = $_ . " "; # # regularize whitespace in order to split text into letters # $text =~ s/^\s+//g; # remove leading blanks $text =~ s/\s+/ /g; # convert any whitespace to blanks $text =~ s/ +/ /g; # eliminate any multiple blanks... push @textletters, split (//, $text); # split text into letters } # # generate the frequency table # # calculate outer loop limits $loopmax = $#textletters - ($GRAIN - 2) - 1; # go through all lists of $GRAIN letters in the text for ($j = 0; $j < $loopmax; $j++) { $key_string = ""; for ($k = $j; $k < $j + $GRAIN; $k++) { # build the key string (GRAIN - 1) letters $key_string .= $textletters[$k]; } $frequency_table{$key_string} .= $textletters[$j + $GRAIN]; } # dump the table for debugging # foreach $key (sort keys %frequency_table) { # print "$key"," = ",$frequency_table{$key},"\n"; # } # # generate the travesty # # set a buffer to nada @buffer=(); # start with a seed of the first $GRAIN letters from the text for ($i = 0; $i < $GRAIN; $i ++) { push @lastletters, $textletters[$i]; push @buffer, $textletters[$i]; } # now, do the actual generation for ($i = 0; $i < $MAXLETTERS; $i++) { # see if the current last letters are in the table # construct the key string from the lastletters $key_string = ""; for ($j = 0; $j < $GRAIN; $j++) { $key_string .= $lastletters[$j]; } if ( exists $frequency_table{$key_string} ) { # we have possible letters # split the list of letters that follow the key string @possible = split "", $frequency_table{$key_string}; # select the next letter $nextletter = $possible[rand @possible]; # add letter to buffer and dump buffer if ready for output push @buffer, $nextletter; if($#buffer >= $LETTERS_LINE && $buffer[$#buffer] eq " ") { print @buffer,"\n"; @buffer=(); } # adjust the lastletters array for($l = 0; $l < $GRAIN - 1; $l++) { $lastletters[$l] = $lastletters[$l+1]; } $lastletters[$GRAIN - 1] = $nextletter; } else { # we drew a blank # re-seed the generation with the first $GRAIN letters from the text @lastletters = (); for ($l = 0; $l < $GRAIN; $l++) { push @lastletters, $textletters[$l]; push @buffer, $textletters[$l]; } } } # end $i loop if($#buffer >= 0) { print @buffer, "\n"; @buffer = (); } exit (0);