#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Tk; require Tk::DialogBox; use Tk::PNG; #by zentara on Sept 30, 2005 # Usage: # Press and drag Mouse Button 1 to draw lines # Right click to add text at click point # Middle Click(or both mouse buttons ) to delete item under mouse # Save will write the canvas to postscript my $file = shift or die "Need image $!\n"; my @s; #line drawing buffer my $count_l = 0; #count for lines tags my $count_t = 0; #count for text tags my $mw = tkinit; $mw->fontCreate('big', -family=>'arial', -weight=>'bold', -size=> 18 ); my $topframe = $mw->Frame(-bg=>'black')->pack(-fill =>'x'); $topframe->Button(-text=>'Exit',-command=>sub{ exit }) ->pack(-side => 'right', -padx => 5); my $canvas = $mw->Canvas( -width => 640, -height => 480, -bg => 'white', )->pack(-fill=>'both', -expand => 1); $canvas->Tk::bind('<1>', [ \&Start, Ev('x'), Ev('y') ] ); $canvas->Tk::bind("", [ \&Move, Ev('x'), Ev('y') ]); $canvas->Tk::bind('', sub { @s =() }); #text insert with right button click $canvas->Tk::bind('<3>', [ \&Text_insert, Ev('x'), Ev('y') ] ); #undo with a middle mouse click $canvas->Tk::bind('<2>', sub{ $canvas->delete( ($canvas->gettags("current"))[0] ); }); my $image = $mw->Photo(-file => $file); my $png = $canvas->createImage(0,0, -anchor => 'nw', -image=> $image, ); $topframe->Button( -text => "Save", -command => [sub { $canvas->update; my @capture=(); my ($x0,$y0,$x1,$y1)=$canvas->bbox('all'); @capture=('-x'=>$x0,'-y'=>$y0,-height=>$y1-$y0,-width=>$x1-$x0); $canvas -> postscript(-colormode=>'color', -file=>$0.'.ps', -rotate=>0, -width=>800, -height=>500, @capture); } ])->pack(-side=>'left', -padx =>5); $topframe->Button( -text => "Restart", -command => sub{ $canvas->delete('line','text'); })->pack(-side=>'left', -padx =>5); MainLoop; ############################################################# sub Start { my ($canv, $x, $y) = @_; $count_l++; @s =(); my @coords = ($canv->canvasx($x) , $canv->canvasx($y) ); push @s, @coords; } ############################################################# sub Move { my ($canv, $x, $y) = @_; my @coords = ($canv->canvasx($x) , $canv->canvasx($y) ); push @s, @coords; $canvas->createLine( @s, -width => 5, -smooth => 1, -tags => [ 'l'.$count_l , 'line'], -fill => 'black'); #shift off previous points to avoid overlapping shift @s; shift @s; } ############################################################## sub Text_insert { my ($canv, $x, $y) = @_; $count_t++; my @coords = ($canv->canvasx($x) , $canv->canvasx($y) ); my $dialog = $mw->DialogBox( -buttons => ['Ok'], -title => 'Text Insert', -bg => 'lightsteelblue', ); my $dentry = $dialog->add('Entry', -bg=>'yellow', -font => 'big', )->pack(); $dialog->configure(-focus => $dentry); my $button = $dialog->Show(); if ( $button eq "Ok" ) { my $text = $dialog->Subwidget('entry')->get(); $canvas->createText( @coords, -text => $text, -anchor => 'w', -justify => 'left', -font => 'big', -tags => [ 't'.$count_t, 'text' ], -fill => 'red'); } } ################################################################ __END__