#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my %seen; for my $file (@ARGV) { open(my $fh, '<', $file) or die "Unable to open '$file' for reading: $!"; while (<$fh>) { my ($set) = $_ =~ /^(\w+)/; powerset($set); } } sub powerset { my $set = shift @_; return if $seen{$set}++; print "$set\n"; powerset($_) for subsets($set); } #### sub subsets { my $set = shift @_; return if length($set) == 1; my ($head, $char, $tail) = ($set, '', ''); my @ret; while ($head) { $char = chop $head; push @ret, $head . $tail; $tail = $char . $tail; } return @ret; } #### sub subsets { my $set = shift @_; return if length($set) == 1; my @list = split //, $set; my $pos = @list; my @ret; while ($pos--) { push @ret, join '', @list[grep $_ != $pos, 0 .. $#list]; } return @ret; } #### # All references to $calls removed # $limbic_sets = [ ... ] # foreach my $limbic_set (@$limbic_sets) { ... } # The above two lines became open(my $fh, '<', 'phase1.data') or die $!; while ( <$fh> ) { my ($limbic_set) = $_ =~ /^(\w+)/; $limbic_set = [ split //, $limbic_set ]; # ... } # removed print "checks set @$limbic_set\n"; # my $format = "%2s" x scalar(@$padded_limbic_set) . " (%d)\n"; # printf($format, (map {defined $_ && $display->{$_} ? $_ : ' '} @$padded_limbic_set), $idx); # The above 2 lines became print join '', map {defined $_ && $display->{$_} ? $_ : ''} @$padded_limbic_set; print "\n";