1 p FRODO HEST q 1r Fronts C J Campbell,Mrs M J Pault B G 3yrs Earl-Amy Hest Driver:...........u Trainer: Phil Williamson, Oamaruvx Black, Blue & White Chequered Sashw oFirst Start at a Race Meeting. Qualified: 25/04/2006y y 2 p SMOKEY MICKPOT q 2r Front s (1 Starts: 0(0) - 0 - 0 - Lt$0($0) - W$0($0))t W R Low,E T Murphyt BR G 3yrs Wrestle-Tough Whiz Driver:...........u Trainer: Wayne Low, Waimatev (Last Driver:Wayne Low)x Green, Brown & White Striped Braces, White Sleevesw 0 o15Jun06 Forbury Pk 2200 Std Ft 11 of 14 Wnr:Daddy Warbucksy  y #### if ($line =~ /v/) { # B M 5yrs Straphanger-Amy Hest Driver:...........u chomp $line; my ($trainer, $last_driver) = split //, $line; # Remove whitespaces from start $trainer =~ s/^\s+//; # Remove the first chars of variable $last_driver = substr($last_driver, 1); # Remove whitespaces from start $last_driver =~ s/^\s+//; print OUTPUT " $trainer $last_driver "; }