#!/usr/bin/perl ########################################################### # shtml publisher - v1.0 (25/01/01) # # Stephen Doolan (willdooUK @ hotmail.com) # # This is a utility that expands include statements # in shtml files, allowing you to view them without # running a web server. # # These include statments take the form: # # # To use it, run the script and give it the names of # two directories - one containing the shtml files, and # the other which will contain the resulting html files # (these will have had any references to '.shtml' changed # to '.html') # # Note that at present this script only runs over a # flat directory structure. ########################################################### use strict; my $sIncBefore = ""; my $sShtmlDir = ""; my $sHtmlDir = ""; my $iArgCount = @ARGV; my $iChanges = 0; my $iFiles = 0; my $iChangedFiles = 0; my @files; ################### # Parse arguments ################### if($iArgCount < 2) { die("Usage: publish SHTMLDIR HTMLDIR"); } $sShtmlDir = @ARGV[0]; $sHtmlDir = @ARGV[1]; ##################### # Get list of files ##################### if(!opendir(directory, $sShtmlDir)) { die ("Could not open $sShtmlDir"); } @files = grep(/\.shtml/i, readdir(directory)); closedir(directory); $iFiles = @files; print "\nFound $iFiles files. Press any key to start.\n"; ; ########################## # Loop through file list ########################## foreach(@files) { ################################ # Get filenames and open files ################################ my $sMadeChange = ""; my $sReadFilename = $sShtmlDir."\\".$_; my $sWriteFilename = $sHtmlDir."\\".$_; $sWriteFilename =~ s/shtml$/html/; print "\n$sReadFilename: "; if(!open(READFILE, $sReadFilename)) { die ("Could not open read file: $sReadFilename: !"); } if(!open(WRITEFILE, ">".$sWriteFilename)) { die ("Could not open write file sWriteFilename: !"); } ###################################### # Go through each line in shtml file ###################################### while() { my $sLine = $_; # convert any references to '.shtml' $sLine =~ s/\.shtml/.html/; if($sLine =~ m/^(.*)$sIncBefore(.*)$sIncAfter(.*)$/) { $iChanges++; $sMadeChange .= " "; my $sBefore = $1; my $sInclude = $2; my $sAfter = $3; print WRITEFILE $sBefore; ############################ # Expand include statement ############################ my $sIncFile = $sShtmlDir."\\".$sInclude; if(!open(INCLUDEFILE, $sIncFile)) { die "Could not include $sIncFile: $!"; } while() { # convert any references to '.shtml' s/\.shtml/.html/; # write line to html file print WRITEFILE $_; } close(INCLUDEFILE); print WRITEFILE $sAfter."\n"; } else { print WRITEFILE $sLine; } } close(READFILE); close(WRITEFILE); #################### # Display progress #################### print $sMadeChange; if (!$sMadeChange eq "") { $iChangedFiles++; } } print "\n\nAll Done: $iChanges changes made on "; print "$iChangedFiles out of $iFiles files.\n"; exit;