unlink 'test.errors'; redirect_error( output_file => 'test.errors' ); # sets $redirected{error_messages} to 1 dies_ok { lcroak "this is a sample error file" }; ok( -T 'test.errors', "lcroak opens the error file specified by redirect_error()." ); my $text = `cat test.errors`; like( $text , qr/this is a sample error file/, "lcroak writes to the error file specified by redirect_error()." ); unlink 'test.errors'; #### # Failed test 'lcroak writes to the error file specified by redirect_error().' t/lcroak....NOK 4# in t/lcroak.t at line 25. # '' # doesn't match '(?-xism:this is a sample error file)' # Looks like you failed 1 test of 4. #### { local $@; eval { lcroak "this is a sample error file"; }; ok($@, "lcroak terminates"); }