#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright (C) 2005 by Flavio Poletti # Same licensing terms as Perl itself, v. 5.8.6 # NO WARRANTY AT ALL, USE IT AT YOUR RISK # ChangeLog: # # Changed from 'readonly' to 'disabled' to support older versions of # Tk. Also changed -disableforeground to give the same look-and-feel. # # Removed dumb error left from a previos test. Turned check messages # into english. Changed relief for fixed cells. # # Added support for "starter" status, i.e. elements that are # there from the start. Fixed residual bug in push/pop # mechanism. Added version thanks to dree use strict; use warnings; use Tk; use Tk::Dialog; ######## GLOBAL VARIABLES ########################################### # Version my $VERSION = 0.03; # File name used for load and save my $filename = shift; # Main Window my $mw = MainWindow->new(); # Font size my $size = int(-32 * 32 / 48); # Different options for fixed cells (disabled) and normal ones # These are the different visualisations for the two states of a # cell: normal (editable) and disabled (i.e. "fixed"). my %opts = ( 'normal' => { -font => 'normal', # Will create this font later -justify => 'left', -relief => 'sunken', -state => 'normal', }, 'fixed' => { -font => 'fixed', # Will create this font later -justify => 'center', -relief => 'groove', -state => 'disabled', }, 'starter' => { -font => 'starter', # Will create this font later -justify => 'center', -relief => 'groove', -state => 'disabled', }, ); # Map of game info my @map; # Commands for undo support my @commands; # Frames for different 3x3 subframes my @chunks; # Signal if we're inside an undo sequence, just to avoid having # the undo commands be re-pushed inside the command stack. my $undoing; ##################################################################### # Define fonts for normal and disabled view $mw->fontCreate( 'normal', -family => 'courier', -weight => 'normal', -size => $size, ); $mw->fontCreate( 'fixed', -family => 'courier', -weight => 'bold', -size => $size, ); $mw->fontCreate( 'starter', -family => 'courier', -weight => 'bold', -size => $size, ); # Initialise frames, isolating 3x3 subwindows. This allows to # separate 3x3 subwindows for a clearer view of the game table. for my $i (0 .. 2) { my $outer = $mw->Frame(); $outer->pack(-side => 'top'); for my $j (0 .. 2) { my $inner = $outer->Frame(-borderwidth => 4); $inner->pack(-side => 'left'); for my $k (0 .. 2) { $chunks[$i][$j][$k] = $inner->Frame( ); $chunks[$i][$j][$k]->pack(-side => 'top'); } } ## end for my $j (0 .. 2) } ## end for my $i (0 .. 2) # Initialise the 81 cells in the game for my $i (0 .. 8) { for my $j (0 .. 8) { # Each element is compound of three items: the contents of the # Entry widget, the state (normal = editable, disabled = fixed), # and a reference to the cell itself for later modifications. $map[$i][$j] = ['', 'normal', undef]; my $cell = $chunks[$i / 3][$j / 3][$i % 3]->Entry( -width => 4, -textvariable => \$map[$i][$j][0], -validate => 'key', -validatecommand => [\&validate, $i, $j], -font => 'normal', -disabledforeground => 'blue', ); $map[$i][$j][2] = $cell; # Clicking with the right mouse button toggles state if applicable # You cannot fix cells that are empty or contain more than one # character, of course. $cell->bind( "", sub { my $cstate = $map[$i][$j][1]; return if $cstate eq 'starter'; # Invert the state only if cell contains a single digit $cstate = ($cstate eq 'normal' ? 'fixed' : 'normal') if (defined $map[$i][$j][0] && $map[$i][$j][0] =~ /^\d$/); # Call ad-hoc function, refactored code set_state($i, $j, $cstate); } ); $cell->pack(-side => 'left'); } ## end for my $j (0 .. 8) } ## end for my $i (0 .. 8) # Load filename, if it can be done, and initialise cells $filename && load($filename); # Dialog window to show when the check button is pressed. my $checkLabel; my $checkDialog = $mw->Dialog( -title => 'Check result', -buttons => ['OK'], -bitmap => 'warning', -textvariable => \$checkLabel ); # Bottom frame, containing all the action buttons. my $bottom = $mw->Frame(); $bottom->pack(); # Undo handling. Push pushes a marker into the command stack, which # will be the stopping point for a canned sequence of later pops. $bottom->Button(-text => 'Push', -command => sub { push @commands, 0 }) ->pack(-side => 'left'); # Pop inhibits the re-push of the commands signaling via the # $undoing variable. It pops commands and undoes them until # the queue is empty or it finds a marker pushed by the user. $bottom->Button( -text => 'Pop', -command => sub { $undoing = 1; while (my $aref = pop @commands) { my ($i, $j, $type, $v) = @$aref; if ($type eq 'value') { $map[$i][$j][0] = $v; } else { set_state($i, $j, $v); } } $undoing = 0; } )->pack(-side => 'left'); # Check calls the check method to see if the fixed elements collide. # It displays the $checkDialog dialog window with an appropriate # message. $bottom->Button( -text => 'Check', -command => sub { $checkLabel = (check() ? "All ok!" : "Check out errors!"); $checkDialog->Show(); } )->pack(-side => 'left'); # If a filename was provided, saves the board into that file. $bottom->Button(-text => 'Save', -command => sub { save($filename) }) ->pack(-side => 'left'); # Exit from the game. No "are you sure" messages are shown :) $bottom->Button(-text => 'Exit', -command => sub { exit 0 }) ->pack(-side => 'left'); # Avoid resizing of the window - it would have no meaning. $mw->resizable(0, 0); # Fire! MainLoop(); # Set the state of a cell. It is expected to receive the coordinates # of the element, and the state to set, which can be 'disabled' or # 'normal'. sub set_state { my ($i, $j, $cstate) = @_; my $cell = $map[$i][$j][2]; $cell->configure($_ => $opts{$cstate}{$_}) for keys %{$opts{$cstate}}; $cell->configure( -disabledforeground => 'darkred') if $cstate eq 'starter'; push @commands, [$i, $j, state => $map[$i][$j][1]] unless $undoing; $map[$i][$j][1] = $cstate; } ## end sub set_state # Validate input. Accept only digits between 1 and 9. If ok, push a # command inside the queue. sub validate { my ($i, $j, $current, $key, $old) = @_; return 1 unless defined $key; # No key is good enough return 0 unless $key =~ /^[1-9]$/; # Accept the command, and push it into the undo queue push @commands, [$i, $j, value => $old] unless $undoing; return 1; } ## end sub validate # Check an element. Receives two array references: the first pointing # to the data of the cell to check, the other to an array that keeps # track of seen positions. If a position is seen twice, an error is # returned. Only fixed cells are analysed, of course. sub check_it { my ($v, $aref) = @_; return 1 if $v->[1] eq 'normal'; $v = $v->[0]; return 1 unless defined $v; return 1 unless $v =~ /^(\d)(\D)?/; return 0 if $aref->[$1]; $aref->[$1] = 1; return 1; } ## end sub check_it # Check the game board. sub check { for my $i (0 .. 8) { my (@pv, @ph, @pc); for my $j (0 .. 8) { # Horizontal check return 0 unless check_it($map[$i][$j], \@ph); # Vertical check return 0 unless check_it($map[$j][$i], \@pv); # 3x3 subtable check return 0 unless check_it( $map[(int($i / 3) * 3 + ($j % 3))] [(3 * ($i % 3) + int($j / 3))], \@pc ); } ## end for my $j (0 .. 8) } ## end for my $i (0 .. 8) 1; } ## end sub check # Save board to file, input is filename sub save { my $filename = shift; local $, = ":"; local $\ = "\n"; if (open my $fh, ">", $filename) { for my $i (0 .. 8) { for my $j (0 .. 8) { print $fh @{$map[$i][$j]}; } } } ## end if (open my $fh, ">", ... else { warn("open($filename): $!"); } } ## end sub save # Load board from file, input is filename. sub load { my $filename = shift; -e $filename or return; if (open my $fh, "<", $filename) { while (<$fh>) { chomp; my $i = $. - 1; # Split into two parts, the value and the state my ($f, $s) = split /:/, $_; $map[$i / 9][$i % 9][0] = $f; set_state($i / 9, $i % 9, $s); } ## end while (<$fh>) } ## end if (open my $fh, "<", ... else { warn "open($filename): $!"; } } ## end sub load