#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use strict; use Module::Dependency::Info; # Point this to the data file you created with Module::Dependency::Indexer. # See the docs on this module for details. # Tip: to index all of your perl files, run this (thanks merlyn): # indexer.plx -t -b `perl -e 'print "@INC"'` Module::Dependency::Info::setIndex( 'unified.dat' ); use Graph; use Data::Dumper; use Module::CoreList; # This is your autobundle file. open (IN, "<", "in_bundle.pm") or die "Can't open autobundle file."; # This is the new autobundle file. open (OUT, ">", "new_bundle.pm") or die "Can't open new bundle file."; my $in_content = 0; my $post_content = 0; my @module_list; my %module_list; my $tail; while( ){ # Get start of autobundle. unless (/^=head1\s+CONTENTS/ or $in_content ){ print OUT $_; next; } # Get tail of autobundle. if (/^=head1\s+CONFIGURATION/ or $post_content){ $post_content = 1; $tail .= $_; next; } # Get the module list. chomp; $in_content = 1; if (/^\w+/){ my @items = split ' '; $module_list{$items[0]} = $items[1]; push @module_list, $items[0]; } } # Sort the module list. my $listref = Module::Dependency::Info::allItems(); my $g = Graph->new; foreach my $item ( @$listref ){ # My index had a bunch of pls and cgis, so sort them out. next if ($item =~ /\.pl$/); next if ($item =~ /\.cgi$/); my $childref = Module::Dependency::Info::getChildren( $item ); foreach ( @$childref ){ # Skip modules in core. # Remove this line to process core modules. next if ($Module::CoreList::version{ $] }{$item}); $g->add_edge($item, $_); } } # Try to remove remaining cycles, if there are any. my @cycle = $g->find_a_cycle; while (@cycle){ $cycle[1] = $cycle[0] if ( not $cycle[1] ); print "Removing edge $cycle[0], $cycle[1] from graph to prevent cycle...\n"; $g->delete_edge($cycle[0], $cycle[1]); @cycle = $g->find_a_cycle; } my @sorted = reverse $g->topological_sort; print OUT "=head1 CONTENTS\n\n"; foreach (@sorted){ print OUT $_ . "\n\n" if exists $module_list{$_}; } print OUT $tail; close IN; close OUT;