use strict; use warnings; use HTML::FormatText; use WWW::Mechanize; main( @ARGV ); exit; sub main { initialize( @_ ); for ( @_ ) { my $def = HTML::FormatText->format_string( WebClient::Dict_org::define( $_ ) ); $def =~ s/\A.+-{30,}[\r\n]+(.+)^\s*-{30,}.+/$1/ms; print $def; } 1; } sub initialize { $| = 1; 1; } package WebClient::Dict_org; use WWW::Mechanize; our $DEFAULT_URL; INIT { $DEFAULT_URL = '' } sub define { site_define( $DEFAULT_URL, @_ ) } sub site_define { my $site = shift; my $word = shift; my $browser = WWW::Mechanize->new; $browser->get( $site ); $browser->set_visible( $word ); $browser->click; $browser->content; } __END__ =pod =head1 NAME dict - a simple client for =head1 SYNOPSIS dict insufflation (define-word "insufflation") C-x d =head1 EMACS BINDING Emacs is a great place to bind all sorts things together and this is no exception. Add this to your .emacs file to create the function DEFINE-WORD. If you don't give it a word then it will attempt to define whatever word is currently under your point. (defun define-word (input-word) "Define a word using" (interactive "MWord to define: ") (let ((buf (generate-new-buffer "*dict*")) (word (if (> (length input-word) 0) input-word (current-word)))) (shell-command (concat "~/bin/dict " word) buf) buf)) The following command binds C-x d to the function. (global-set-key "\C-xd" 'define-word) =end