laptop:~/tmp> ./ -STUDENTS=5 -SECTIONS=3 -R=9 !9! Sections: 3 available Section_000 =>3 available Section_001 =>1 available Section_002 =>1 Students: 5 [ Student_000 [ 0 2 1 ], Student_001 [ 1 ], Student_002 [ 1 2 ], Student_003 [ 2 0 ], Student_004 [ 1 0 ] ] Unallocated after main pass; [Student_002] Sections with places: [Section_000] looking at placed student Student_000 looking at placed student Student_004 Failed to replace Student_002 Unallocated after one-level jiggle(TM); [Student_002] Section_000(1) => [ Student_000 Student_004 ] Section_001(0) => [ Student_001 ] Section_002(0) => [ Student_003 ] #### # solution = browserUK(sections, students); # if (solution->leftout()) { # round1 = solution->leftout(); # round2 = students - round1; # sol = browserUK(sections, round1); # solution = browserUK(sol->sections(), round2); # } # return $solution;