#! perl -slw use strict; use Date::Manip; while( ) { chomp; my $date = ParseDate( $_ ); printf "'$_' contains the date \n '%s'\n\n", UnixDate( $date ,"%T, %b %e, %Y.") || 'Not parsed'; } __DATA__ 22 Oct, 15:30 noon tomorrow this afternoon at 3 10am next tuesday #### P:\test>401303 '22 Oct, 15:30' contains the date '15:30:00, Oct 22, 2004.' 'noon tomorrow' contains the date '12:00:00, Oct 23, 2004.' 'this afternoon at 3' contains the date 'Not parsed' '10am next tuesday' contains the date '10:00:00, Oct 26, 2004.'