$rnd = int(rand 10000); sub data_into_form ($_) { $ntuples = $query->rows; $nfields = $query->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}; ############### #original table ################### @data_in_form; @data_in_form = "\n\t\n"; #push(@data_in_form, "\n") if ($quick_edit); push(@data_in_form,"View Results In Excel"); for($fc=1;$fc !=$nfields; $fc++) { $fname = $query->{NAME}->[$fc]; push(@data_in_form,"\t\t\n"); } push(@data_in_form,"\t\n"); while (@nrow = $query->fetchrow) { #push(@data_in_form,"\t\n"); $first = 0; foreach $tuple (@nrow) { if ($first == 0) { #push(@data_in_form,"\t\n"); $first = 1; } else { $tuple=~s/ *$//g; push(@data_in_form,"\t\t\n"); } } push(@data_in_form,"\t\n"); } push(@data_in_form,"
#edit") if ($quick_edit); push (@data_in_form, " | delete") if ($quick_delete); push(@data_in_form,"
\n"); push(@data_in_form,"View Results In Excel"); ##add link on the html table ####### #end original ########## ############### #create excel file #################### my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new("/u/httpd/html/$rnd.xls"); $worksheet1 = $workbook->addworksheet(sheet1); $formatgen = $workbook->addformat(); $formathead = $workbook->addformat(); $formatgen->set_bold(0); $formatgen->set_color('black'); $formatgen->set_align('center'); $formatgen->set_size('10'); $formathead->set_color('black'); $formathead->set_align('center'); $formathead->set_size('12'); $formathead->set_bold(); ######### #figure out how long each field is #Yes I know this is horribly inefficient but boss wants columns presized ############## $k=1; while (@nrow = $query->fetchrow){ $i=0; foreach $tuple (@nrow) { if (length($tuple) > @leng[$i]) { @leng[$i] = length($tuple); } $i++; } $k++; } $p=0; for($fc=1;$fc !=$nfields; $fc++) { $fname = $query->{NAME}->[$fc]; if (@leng[$p] < length($fname)) { @leng[$p] = length($fname);} $p++; } ########## #and set the column to that width ########### $s=0; for($fc=1;$fc !=$nfields; $fc++) { $fname = $query->{NAME}->[$fc]; if ($fname =~ /description/) {$worksheet1->set_col_width($s,$s, 58); } else { $worksheet1->set_col_width($s,$s, @leng[$s] +10); $s++; } } ######## #name the fields ############ $l=1; for($fc=1;$fc !=$nfields; $fc++) { $fname = $query->{NAME}->[$fc]; $worksheet1->write(0, $l, $fname, $formathead); $l++; } ########### #write the actual data to the sheet ############### $k=1; while (@nrow = $query->fetchrow){ $i=0; foreach $tuple (@nrow) { $worksheet1->write($k, $i, $tuple, $formatgen); } $i++; } $k++; } return(@data_in_form); }