yourapp.hta ----------- Your App ------------ ------------ # # An simple way to give a perl script a windows interface. # The application is scripted in html using "PerlScript" # inside an HTML document. If the document is saved with # a ".hta" extension it becomes an "HTML application". # # Requirements: # ActivePerl from # Internet Explorer version 5 or later. # # This code is distriubuted under the "Artistic" license # a copy of which is distributed with Perl. # # Copyright John Holdsworth (c) 2001 # # # Minor changes made by Rob Kinyon , 2004 # # See also: # # searchable perl docs # # search any docs # # # use CGI with "non parsed headers" as # script talks directly to browser # use CGI qw( -nph ); use IO::Socket; use strict; use warnings; use vars qw( $window $listener ); # required for open to work close STDIN; close STDOUT; # server runs on any available port # a zero second timeout is not possible using IO::Socket $listener = IO::Socket::INET->new( Listen => 5, LocalAddr => "", Timeout => 0.000001, ) or warn "Could not open Socket"; # # start polling for connections # poll(); # # This function is called periodically # to poll for incomming HTTP requests # sub poll { my $connection = $listener->accept(); # process connection if did not timeout $connection ? ( accepted( $connection ) ) : ( $@ = '' ); # poll again in 100ms using timeout $window->setTimeout( "poll();", 100 ); } # A connection has been made, simulate CGI interface... sub accepted { my ($connection) = @_; # connect STDIN, STDOUT to browser socket using dup(). my $fd = fileno $connection; open STDIN, "<& $fd"; open STDOUT, ">& $fd"; select STDOUT; $| = 1; # parse initial request line of header @ENV{qw(REQUEST_METHOD REQUEST_URI REMOTE_PROTOCOL)} = split /\s/, ; # remove any parameters from a form of method "GET" @ENV{qw(PATH_INFO QUERY_STRING)} = $ENV{REQUEST_URI} =~ /^([^?]*)\??(.*)/; # unescape any path_info in request $ENV{PATH_INFO} =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/chr hex($1)/ge; # parse the rest of the "name: value\n" pairs # in the header until there is a blank line. while ( my ( $name, $value ) = =~ /^([^:]*):? ([^\r\n]*)/ ) { $name =~ tr/-a-z/_A-Z/; $name =~ s/^(?!CONTENT_)/HTTP_/; $ENV{$name} = $value; } # run application main(); # CGI needs to be reset CGI->_reset_globals(); CGI->nph( 1 ); # close out files from dup() # to disconnect from browser # and complete request. flush STDOUT; close STDOUT; close STDIN; }