use Acme::Chef; print Acme::Chef->compile(join '', )->execute(); __DATA__ Roasted black board with grinded chalk. Ingredients. 73 students 32 teachers 119 chairs 105 tables 108 pieces of chalk 108 black boards 32 hectolitres of coffee 110 paper planes 111 pencils 116 sheets of paper 32 pieces of bread 116 minutes of spare time 104 nuts 114 olives 111 computers 119 g chocolate 32 kg flour 112 g salt 97 bottles of whisky 112 ski masks 101 perl hackers 114 ways to write code 32 characters 97 sheep 105 litres of vinegar 114 brt of oil 112 beds 108 golf clubs 97 beginners 110 benchmarks 101 monks 115 mails 32 trojans 105 worms 110 security bulletins 32 microsoft spokespeople 99 aol cds 108 start menus 97 shells 115 cshs 115 kshs 46 bashes 32 kg stuff 500 bottles of vodka Method. Put stuff into mixing bowl. Put bashes into mixing bowl. Put kshs into mixing bowl. Put cshs into mixing bowl. Put shells into mixing bowl. Put start menus into mixing bowl. Put aol cds into mixing bowl. Put microsoft spokespeople into mixing bowl. Put security bulletins into mixing bowl. Put worms into mixing bowl. Put trojans into mixing bowl. Put mails into mixing bowl. Put monks into mixing bowl. Put benchmarks into mixing bowl. Put beginners into mixing bowl. Put golf clubs into mixing bowl. Put beds into mixing bowl. Put brt of oil into mixing bowl. Put litres of vinegar into mixing bowl. Put sheep into mixing bowl. Put characters into mixing bowl. Put ways to write code into mixing bowl. Put perl hackers into mixing bowl. Put ski masks into mixing bowl. Put bottles of whisky into mixing bowl. Put salt into mixing bowl. Put flour into mixing bowl. Put chocolate into mixing bowl. Put computers into mixing bowl. Put olives into mixing bowl. Put nuts into mixing bowl. Put minutes of spare time into mixing bowl. Put pieces of bread into mixing bowl. Put sheets of paper into mixing bowl. Put pencils into mixing bowl. Put paper planes into mixing bowl. Put hectolitres of coffee into mixing bowl. Put black boards into mixing bowl. Put pieces of chalk into mixing bowl. Put tables into mixing bowl. Put chairs into mixing bowl. Put teachers into mixing bowl. Put students into mixing bowl.Liquify contents of the mixing bowl. Waste the bottles of vodka. Pour contents of the mixing bowl into the baking dish. Drink the bottles of vodka until wasted. Serves 1.