#! perl -w # # tkfif - A Tk front-ended find-in-files for win32. # # This app has been designed and written as an exercise for the author. # # Features: - # * grid layout with stretchy entry widgets # * good looking Menu widget fonts on Win32 # * The most recently used values from the entry widgets are stored # in the registry and can be recalled -- a more attractive combobox # has been costructed with a Menubutton. # use strict; use warnings; #use diagnostics; # Some hot handles... select((select(STDOUT), $| = 1)[0]); select((select(STDERR), $| = 1)[0]); use Getopt::Long; use Cwd; use Tk; use Tk::Menubutton; use Tk::Checkbutton; ## use Tk::Text::SuperText; use Tk::TextUndo; use Tk::Radiobutton; use Win32::FileOp; use MRUList; use fif; use Data::Dumper; my $title = "Tk Find in Files - MSEmtd"; my $version = "v2.1 - 20/06/01"; my ($patsMRU, $dirsMRU, $fpatsMRU); my (@pats, @dirs, @fpats); CreateMRULists(); my ($pat, $dir, $fpat, $ins, $exit, $count, $tree); my $msgwin; # <-- current output window ReadArgs(); $pat = $pat || $pats[0] || "something"; $dir = $dir || $dirs[0] || cwd(); $fpat = $fpat || $fpats[0] || ".+"; $tree = $tree || 0; $ins = $ins || 0; # todo check valid dirs and patterns ################################################ ## Build the GUI my $mw = new MainWindow(-title => $title); $mw->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW' => \&ExitApp); my %images; MakeImages(); my $findxpm = $mw->Pixmap( -data => $images{'find'} ); $mw->Icon(-image => $findxpm); my $btnbm = $mw->Pixmap( -data => $images{'arrow'} ); my $folderxpm = $mw->Pixmap( -data => $images{'folder'} ); my $frtop = $mw->Frame( #-background => 'yellow', )->pack(-side => 'top', -expand => 1, -fill => 'x'); ## The grid of controls... my $g = $frtop->Frame(-relief => 'groove', -borderwidth => 2)->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 1, -fill => 'both'); ## Frame of action buttons... my $frbtns = $frtop->Frame()->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 5, -pady => 5); $frbtns->Button( -text => "Search", -command => \&Search )->pack(-padx => 5, -pady => 5); $frbtns->Button( -text => "Exit", -command => \&ExitApp)->pack(-padx => 5, -pady => 5); ## Populate grid... my ($r, $c) = (0,0); my ($mb, $menu); $g->Label(-text => 'Search for:') ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'w'); $g->Entry(-textvariable => \$pat, -width => 32) ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'ew'); my $mb_pat = $g->Menubutton(-image => $btnbm, -direction => 'right', -tearoff => 0) ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'w'); RemakeMenu( $mb_pat, \@pats, \$pat ); $c++; # <-- empty cell $g->Checkbutton(-text => 'Case-insensitive?', -variable => \$ins) ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'w'); $r++; $c=0; $g->Label(-text => 'Directory:') ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'w'); $g->Entry(-textvariable => \$dir) ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'ew'); my $mb_dir = $g->Menubutton(-image => $btnbm, -direction => 'right', -tearoff => 0) ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'w'); RemakeMenu( $mb_dir, \@dirs, \$dir ); $g->Button(-relief => 'flat', -image => $folderxpm, -command => \&PickDir) ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'w'); $g->Checkbutton(-text => 'Search subdirs?', -variable => \$tree) ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'w'); $r++; $c=0; $g->Label(-text => 'Filespec:') ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'w'); $g->Entry(-textvariable => \$fpat) ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'ew'); my $mb_fpat = $g->Menubutton(-image => $btnbm, -direction => 'right', -tearoff => 0) ->grid(-row => $r, -column => $c++, -sticky => 'w'); RemakeMenu( $mb_fpat, \@fpats, \$fpat ); ## The entry column is resizeable... $g->gridColumnconfigure(1, -weight=>1); ## OK, run... MainLoop(); ########################################################### sub ExitApp { ## print "\n\nSomebody asked me to exit...\n"; SaveMRULists(); ## print "OK, byeeeeeee!\n\n"; #<-- camp exit! exit; } sub Search { ## Now add values to recent menus unless already there... @pats = $patsMRU->add($pat); @dirs = $dirsMRU->add($dir); @fpats = $fpatsMRU->add($fpat); RemakeMenu( $mb_pat, \@pats, \$pat ); RemakeMenu( $mb_dir, \@dirs, \$dir ); RemakeMenu( $mb_fpat, \@fpats, \$fpat ); if( not $exit ) { ## Create a new output window... my $mw = new MainWindow(-title => "results"); my $resultsxpm = $mw->Pixmap( -data => $images{'results'} ); $mw->Icon(-image => $resultsxpm); $mw->focusmodel('active'); # Choose a fixed-width font for the listbox... $mw->fontCreate('listboxfont', -family => 'courier', -size => '8'); $msgwin = $mw->Scrolled('Listbox', -scrollbars => 'se', -font => 'listboxfont', -width => '80', -height => '30', -exportselection => 0, )->pack(-expand => 'yes', -fill => 'both'); $msgwin->bind('', sub{ OpenFile($msgwin->get('active')); }); $msgwin->focus(); $mw->raise; $mw->focus; } ## do search... fif::FindInFiles( -pat => $pat, -dir => $dir, -fpat => $fpat, -ins => $ins, -tree => $tree, -opref => \&MsgOut ); ## Exit after first search if command line is set... ExitApp() if $exit; } ## CreateMRULists : Set up the MRU lists from the registry sub CreateMRULists { my %mruargs = ( -groupname => "MSEmtd", -appname => "tkfif", -maxrecent => 8, ); $patsMRU = new MRUList( -recentname => "recent_pats", %mruargs ); $dirsMRU = new MRUList( -recentname => "recent_dirs", %mruargs ); $fpatsMRU = new MRUList( -recentname => "recent_fpats", %mruargs ); @pats = $patsMRU->load; @dirs = $dirsMRU->load; @fpats = $fpatsMRU->load; } ## SaveMRULists : Save the MRU Lists to the registry. sub SaveMRULists { @pats = $patsMRU->save; @dirs = $dirsMRU->save; @fpats = $fpatsMRU->save; } ################### ## RemakeMenu : set up a MRU list menubutton. ## arg 1 is the menubutton ## arg 2 is the array of things (ref) ## arg 3 is the text variable (ref) sub RemakeMenu { my ($mb, $aref, $textvarref) = @_; my $menu = $mb->menu(); ## Fix up the font... $menu->configure( -font => $mb->cget('-font') ); ## Clear the menu... $menu->delete( 0, 'end' ); ## Make entries in the menu and closures to set the value of the ## text variable... foreach my $thing (@$aref) { $mb->command( -label => $thing, -command => sub{ $$textvarref = $thing } ); } } ################### ## OpenFile ## Open a file that was double-clicked in an output window ## expects a single arg in the pattern of fif::FindInFiles output sub OpenFile { local $_ = shift or return; return unless /^([^\(]+)\((\d+)\):'(.*)'$/; my( $file, $line, $text ) = ($1, $2, $3); #print STDOUT "\$file = '$file'\n"; #print STDOUT "\$line = '$line'\n"; #print STDOUT "\$text = '$text'\n"; if( ! open(FILE, "< $file") ) { MsgOut("WARNING: can't open '$file': $!"); return; } ## Create a new output window... my $mw = new MainWindow(-title => $file); my $textxpm = $mw->Pixmap( -data => $images{'text'} ); $mw->Icon(-image => $textxpm); $mw->focusmodel('active'); # Choose a fixed-width font... $mw->fontCreate('listboxfont', -family => 'courier', -size => '8'); $text = $mw->Scrolled('TextUndo', -scrollbars => 'se', -font => 'listboxfont', -width => '80', -height => '40' )->pack(-expand => 'yes', -fill => 'both'); ## actually get hold of the scrolled widget... ## $text = $text->Subwidget('scrolled'); while () { $text->insert( 'end', $_ ); } close FILE; # $text->Load($file); $text->see("1.0"); $mw->update(); $mw->raise; $mw->focus; $text->see("$line.0"); $text->markSet('insert', "$line.0"); $text->tagConfigure('hilite', -background => 'yellow', -foreground => 'blue'); $text->tagAdd('hilite', "insert linestart", "insert lineend"); ##$text->selectionSet($line); $text->focus; =for later my $srchcount = 0; my @srchargs = ('-forward', '-count', '$srchcount', '--', $pat, 'insert'); unshift @srchargs, ('-nocase') if ( $ins ); my $srchindex = $text->search(@srchargs); if( $srchindex ) { $text->see($srchindex); $text->markSet('insert', $srchindex); $text->tagAdd('sel', "$srchindex + $srchcount chars"); } =cut #print Dumper($text); } ################### ## is_valid_pattern ## Check the given pattern for validity. ## (from the Perl Cookbook) sub is_valid_pattern { my $pat = shift; return eval { "" =~ /$pat/; 1 } || 0; } ################### ## PickDir : pick a directory upon which to operate. ## Win32 style sub PickDir { my $res = BrowseForFolder("Choose a directory for the root of the search", CSIDL_DRIVES, BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS ); return unless $res; $dir = $res; } sub MsgOut { my $msg = "@_"; if(! $msgwin) { print STDOUT $msg."\n"; return; } else { $msgwin->insert('end', $msg); $msgwin->see('end'); $msgwin->update(); } } ################### ## Usage ## Print out the program usage and die. sub Usage { my $usage = "$title $version\n"; $usage .= "by Michael Erskine (michael.erskine\@tecspy.com)\n"; $usage .= <<'EOF'; usage: tkfif [-i] [-r] [-p=] [-d=] [-f=] e.g.: - findinfiles -d="c:\projects" -f="\.(cpp|c|h|rc|dct)$" -p="\bchar\b\s+\w+\s*\[\d+\]" (searches for character array declarations in some C/C++ source files) args... -p= -- a regular expression (regex) to search for -f= -- a regex for the matching of a filename e.g. "\.(c|h|cpp|hpp|rc|dct)$" which will be applied insensitively(!). -d= -- directory (must be absolute). -exit -- when passed, the application will do a single search, print the results to STDOUT and exit. -i -- case insensitive matching -r -- recursive subdir searching -h|-help|-? -- print this! EOF die($usage); } ################### ## ReadArgs ## Process, validate and setup command line args. sub ReadArgs { my( $cl_fpat, $cl_dir, $cl_pat, $cl_ins, $cl_help, $cl_tree, $cl_exit ); my $retval = GetOptions( "help|?|h" => \$cl_help, "p:s" => \$cl_pat, "i" => \$cl_ins, "r" => \$cl_tree, "f:s" => \$cl_fpat, "d:s" => \$cl_dir, "exit" => \$cl_exit ); if( ! $retval ) { print STDERR "ERROR: did you supply all the required options?\n"; Usage(); } if( $cl_ins ) { $ins = 1; } if( $cl_tree ) { $tree = 1; } if( $cl_exit ) { $exit = 1; } if( $cl_fpat ) { die "ERROR: filename pattern arg '$cl_fpat' is not a valid regex.\n" unless is_valid_pattern( $cl_fpat ); $fpat = $cl_fpat; } if( $cl_dir ) { die "ERROR: directory arg '$cl_dir' is not a valid directory.\n" unless -d $cl_dir; $dir = $cl_dir; } if( $cl_pat ) { die "ERROR: search pattern arg '$cl_pat' is not a valid regex.\n" unless is_valid_pattern( $cl_pat ); $pat = $cl_pat; } if( $cl_help ) { Usage(); } } ################################ sub MakeImages { $images{ 'folder' } = <<'EOXPM'; /* XPM */ static char *folder[] = { /* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */ " 19 17 8 1", /* colors */ "` c #000000", ". c #9d9d00", "# c #cece61", "a c none", "b c #ffce9d", "c c #ffff9d", "d c #ffffce", "e c #f6f6f6", /* pixels */ "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "aaaa.....`aaaaaaaaa", "aaa.eddcc.`aaaaaaaa", "aa.#######......aaa", "aa.dddddddddddc#`aa", "aa.dccccccccccb#`aa", "aa.dcccccccbcbc#`aa", "aa.dccccccccbcb#`aa", "aa.dcccccbcbcbc#`aa", "aa.dccccccbcbcb#`aa", "aa.dcccbcbcbcbb#`aa", "aa.dbcbcbcbcbbb#`aa", "aa.#############`aa", "aaa``````````````aa", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" }; EOXPM $images{ 'arrow' } = <<'EOXPM'; /* XPM */ static char *arrow[] = { /* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */ " 9 16 16 1", /* colors */ "` c #000000", ". c #007bbd", "# c #21adff", "a c #4abdff", "b c #636363", "c c #6bc6ff", "d c #84ffff", "e c #8cd6ff", "f c #b5b5b5", "g c #ffffff", "h c #ffffff", "i c #ffffff", "j c #ffffff", "k c #ffffff", "l c #ffffff", "m c none", /* pixels */ "mffmmmmmm", "fbbfmmmmm", "b``bfmmmm", "b`e`bfmmm", "b`ce`bfmm", "b`ace`bfm", "b`aace`bf", "b`aaace`b", "b`aaa#.`b", "b`#a#.`bf", "b`##.`bfm", "b`#.`bfmm", "b`.`bfmmm", "b``bfmmmm", "fbbfmmmmm", "mffmmmmmm" }; EOXPM $images{ 'text' } = <<'EOXPM'; /* XPM */ static char *text[] = { /* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */ " 32 32 2 1", /* colors */ "# c #bfbf00", ". c #ffffff", /* pixels */ "################################", "################################", "################################", "################################", "####........................####", "####........................####", "####........................####", "####........................####", "####....################....####", "####....################....####", "####....################....####", "####....################....####", "####..........####..........####", "####..........####..........####", "####..........####..........####", "####..........####..........####", "####..........####..........####", "####..........####..........####", "####..........####..........####", "####..........####..........####", "####..........####..........####", "####..........####..........####", "####..........####..........####", "####..........####..........####", "####........................####", "####........................####", "####........................####", "####........................####", "################################", "################################", "################################", "################################" }; EOXPM $images{ 'results' } = <<'EOXPM'; /* XPM */ static char *results[] = { /* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */ " 32 32 2 1", /* colors */ "# c #bfbf00", ". c #ffffff", /* pixels */ "################################", "################################", "################################", "################################", "####........................####", "####........................####", "####........................####", "####........................####", "####....##############......####", "####....##############......####", "####....################....####", "####....################....####", "####....####........####....####", "####....####........####....####", "####....####......######....####", "####....####......######....####", "####....##############......####", "####....##############......####", "####....############........####", "####....############........####", "####....####....######......####", "####....####....######......####", "####....####......######....####", "####....####......######....####", "####........................####", "####........................####", "####........................####", "####........................####", "################################", "################################", "################################", "################################" }; EOXPM $images{ 'find' } = <<'EOXPM'; /* XPM */ static char *find[] = { /* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */ " 32 32 2 1", /* colors */ "# c #bfbf00", ". c #ffffff", /* pixels */ "################################", "################################", "################################", "################################", "####........................####", "####........................####", "####........................####", "####........................####", "####....################....####", "####....################....####", "####....################....####", "####....################....####", "####....####................####", "####....####................####", "####....####................####", "####....####................####", "####....############........####", "####....############........####", "####....############........####", "####....############........####", "####....####................####", "####....####................####", "####....####................####", "####....####................####", "####........................####", "####........................####", "####........................####", "####........................####", "################################", "################################", "################################", "################################" }; EOXPM } __END__ =head1 AUTHOR Michael Erskine michael.erskine@tecspy.com =head1 COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER This program is Copyright 2001 by Michael Erskine. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Perl Artistic License or the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. If you do not have a copy of the GNU General Public License write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. =cut #### package fif; ## fif : 'find in files' -- a package to do "find -exec grep" on ## feature-poor architectures (e.g. Win32) use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use File::Find; use Cwd; my $version = "1.1"; my ($pat, $dir, $fpat, $ins, $tree, $opref, $count, $dbg); ################### ## FindInFiles ## do "find -exec grep" on a dir or tree ## with Perl REs sub FindInFiles { my %args = @_; $pat = $args{-pat} or croak "-pat arg not given"; $dir = ( $args{-dir} or cwd() ); $fpat = ( $args{-fpat} or '.+'); $ins = ( $args{-ins} or 0 ); $tree = ( $args{-tree} or 0 ); $dbg = ( $args{-dbg} or 0 ); if( ($opref = $args{-opref}) and (ref($opref) ne 'CODE') ) { croak( "-opref arg is not a reference to code"); } if( ! is_valid_pattern( $pat ) ) { msgout("Invalid pattern '$pat'"); return; } if( ! is_valid_pattern( $fpat ) ) { msgout("Invalid file pattern '$fpat'"); return; } $dir =~ s/[\\\/]$//; #<-- strip a trailing slash from dir. if( ! -d $dir ) { msgout("Not a directory '$dir'."); return; } $count=0; if( $tree ) { find({wanted => \&ExamineFile, no_chdir => 1}, ($dir)); } else { if(! opendir(DIR, $dir)){ msgout("Can't opendir $dir: $!"); return } my @files = readdir DIR; closedir DIR; foreach my $file (@files){ local $_ = $dir.'/'.$file; ExamineFile(); } } msgout("Files found: $count"); return $count; } ################### ## ExamineFile ## Called by the file finder to process a file sub ExamineFile { ## Only consider plain files that match the filename pattern... return unless -f; return unless /$fpat/i; if( $dbg ) { msgout("DEBUG: Found: '$_'"); } my $file = $_; { ## Local line counter $. and default arg $_ so as not to mess ## with File::Find... local $_; local $.; if( ! open(FILE, "< $file") ) { msgout("WARNING: can't open '$file': $!"); return; } ## Translate slashes to backslashes for output... $file =~ tr/\//\\/; while() { if( $ins ) { next unless /$pat/i; } else { next unless /$pat/; } chomp; msgout("$file($.):'$_'"); $count++; } close FILE; } } ################### ## is_valid_pattern ## Check the given pattern for validity. ## (from the Perl Cookbook) sub is_valid_pattern { my $pat = shift; return eval { "" =~ /$pat/; 1 } || 0; } ################### ## msgout ## function for output of messages to STDOUT ## or a delegate function sub msgout { my $msg = "@_"; if( $opref ) { &$opref( $msg ); return; } print STDOUT $msg."\n"; } 1; __END__ =head1 SYNOPSIS use fif; ## Do directory-recursive search... fif::FindInFiles( -pat => 'erskine', -dir => 'D:/msemtd/Perl/fif', -fpat => '\.(pl|pm|pod)$', -tree => 1); ## Do non-recursive search of current dir... fif::FindInFiles( -pat => '^\#include', -fpat => '\.(c|cpp|h)$'); =head1 AUTHOR Michael Erskine michael.erskine@tecspy.com =head1 COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER This program is Copyright 2001 by Michael Erskine. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Perl Artistic License or the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. If you do not have a copy of the GNU General Public License write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. =cut #### package MRUList; require 5.005_62; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; my $version = "0.3"; use Win32::TieRegistry( Delimiter=>"/" ); sub new { my $class = shift; croak('Odd number of args'."$class->new(" . join(',',@_) .')') if @_ % 2; ## TODO: complain about unrecognised args. my $self = {}; # allocate new hash for object bless($self, $class); ## Initialise members from params... my %params = @_; $self->{MAXRECENT} = checkmaxrecent($params{-maxrecent}); $self->{GROUPNAME} = ( $params{-groupname} or 'MRUList'); $self->{APPNAME} = ( $params{-appname} or 'MRUList'); $self->{RECENTNAME} = ( $params{-recentname} or 'MRUList'); $self->{RECENTVALS} = []; my $valsref = $params{-values}; if (ref($valsref) eq 'ARRAY') { @$valsref = @{$self->{RECENTVALS}}; } return $self; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; ## printf("$self dying at %s\n", scalar localtime); } ## Accessors (simple)... sub groupname { my $self = shift; my $prev = $self->{GROUPNAME}; if (@_) { $self->{GROUPNAME} = shift } return $prev; } sub appname { my $self = shift; my $prev = $self->{APPNAME}; if (@_) { $self->{APPNAME} = shift } return $prev; } sub recentname { my $self = shift; my $prev = $self->{RECENTNAME}; if (@_) { $self->{RECENTNAME} = shift } return $prev; } sub maxrecent { my $self = shift; my $prev = $self->{MAXRECENT}; my $new = shift or return $prev; $self->{MAXRECENT} = checkmaxrecent($new); return $new; } ## Local validator function for maxrecent. sub checkmaxrecent { my $defaultval = 10; my $new = shift or return $defaultval; if( $new !~ /^\d+$/ ) { warn "maxrecent: Not a natural integer value.\n"; return $defaultval; } if( $new < 1 ) { warn "maxrecent: less that 1.\n"; return $defaultval; } return $new; } ## Get a copy of the list... sub get { my $self = shift; return @{$self->{RECENTVALS}}; } ## Add the new items to the top of the list... sub add { my $self = shift; return if not scalar @_; my $vr = $self->{RECENTVALS}; my $max = $self->{MAXRECENT}; ## Add the new items to the top of the list... unshift @{$vr}, @_; ## Tidy up and return either new length or values... my $len = deldupetrim($vr, $max); return $len unless wantarray(); return @{$self->{RECENTVALS}}; } ## deldupetrim : Given a list reference and a length, remove ## duplicates and trim whilst retaining original list order. ## A generic function. sub deldupetrim { my ($vr, $max) = @_; ## Remove duplicate items... my %seen = (); @{$vr} = grep { ! $seen{$_} ++ } @{$vr}; ## Trim list to max length - oldest values are lost... if( scalar(@{$vr}) > $max){ $#$vr = $max - 1 } ## Return the new length... return scalar @{$vr}; } sub load { my $self = shift; ## Get the software key... my $swkey = $Registry->{"CUser/Software/"}; if( ! $swkey ) { warn "couldn't open the software key -- too bad.\n"; return; } my $groupname = $self->{GROUPNAME}; my $appname = $self->{APPNAME}; my $recentname = $self->{RECENTNAME}; my $recent = $swkey->{"$groupname/$appname/$recentname/"}; if( ! $recent ) { warn "couldn't open recent key $recentname -- too bad: $^E\n"; return; } my $max = $self->{MAXRECENT}; my $vr = $self->{RECENTVALS}; ## Empty the values list... @{$vr} = (); ## Access each name in an ordered fashion... foreach( sort keys %$recent ) { ## The names have to be digits only... if( ! /^\/\d+$/ ) { warn "bad name '$_' in recent.\n"; } else { my $val = $recent->{$_}; push @$vr, $val; } } ## Tidy up and return either new length or values... my $len = deldupetrim($vr, $max); return $len unless wantarray(); return @{$self->{RECENTVALS}}; } sub save { my $self = shift; ## Get the software key... my $swkey = $Registry->{"CUser/Software/"}; if( ! $swkey ) { warn "couldn't open the software key -- too bad.\n"; return; } my $groupname = $self->{GROUPNAME}; my $appname = $self->{APPNAME}; my $maxrecent = $self->{MAXRECENT}; my $recentname = $self->{RECENTNAME}; my $refvals = $self->{RECENTVALS}; ## Blast the original data... my $recent = $swkey->{"$groupname/$appname/$recentname/"}; undef %$recent; my $i; for( $i = 0; $i <@$refvals; $i++ ) { $swkey->{"$groupname/"}= { "$appname/" => { "$recentname/" => { "/$i" => $refvals->[$i], } } }; last if $i >= $maxrecent; } ## Return the number of vals... return scalar @$refvals; } 1; __END__ # Below is the documentation for the module. =head1 NAME MRUList - Perl extension for storing and retrieving Most-Recently-Used lists in the Windows Registry. =head1 SYNOPSIS use MRUList; my $recentfiles = new MRUList( -maxrecent => '4', -recentname => 'RecentFiles', -appname => 'MyEditor', -groupname => 'MySoftwareHouse', -values => ['c:/boot.ini', 'c:/config.sys', 'c:/temp/tmp1.txt'] ); ## Write to registry... $recentfiles->save; ## Add new entries - the oldest entries will be lost if maxrecent is ## reached... $recentfiles->add( 'c:/hat.txt', 'c:/coat.txt' ); ## Some other time - load values from the registry... my $recentfiles = new MRUList( -maxrecent => '4', -recentname => 'RecentFiles', -appname => 'MyEditor', -groupname => 'MySoftwareHouse',); $recentfiles->load; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is a registry-stored Most-Recently-Used list (and hence is Win32-specific) which I find to be a common requirement of many of my apps. When used thus... my $mru = new MRUList; $mru ->add( qw( hat coat scarf )); $mru ->add( qw( car boat ship )); $mru ->save; ...one would find some numbered registry keys populated thus... [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MRUList\MRUList\MRUList] "0"="car" "1"="boat" "2"="ship" "3"="hat" "4"="coat" "5"="scarf" The "\MRUList\MRUList\MRUList" branch is the default key which can be adjusted by setting the 3 members "groupname", "appname", and "recentname" accordingly which I find allows the separation and granularity I generally need: e.g. one can be set the software vendor name in "groupname" say, "SuperPerlSoft", the particular application name can be set in "appname" say, "GoodEditor", and "recentname" allows multiple lists per application such as "MostRecentlyTrashedFiles"... use MRUList; my $recentfiles = new MRUList( -maxrecent => '10', -recentname => 'RecentFiles', -appname => 'MyEditor', -groupname => 'MySoftwareHouse', -values => ['c:/boot.ini', 'c:/config.sys', 'c:/temp/tmp1.txt'] ); $recentfiles->save; ...would result in the following registry key being populated... [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MySoftwareHouse\MyEditor\RecentFiles] "0"="c:/boot.ini" "1"="c:/config.sys" "2"="c:/temp/tmp1.txt" ...and a corresponding "load" method retrieves these values from the registry and the dump method simply uses Data::Dumper... use MRUList; my $recentfiles = new MRUList( -maxrecent => '10', -groupname => 'MySoftwareHouse', -appname => 'MyEditor', -recentname => 'RecentFiles', ); my @files = $recentfiles->load; print "Recent files = \n".join("\n", @files)."\n"; ...would result in... Recent files = c:/boot.ini c:/config.sys c:/temp/tmp1.txt Now, although this module is an exercise in learning for the author, I believe this to be of wider use if it were to be made a little less Win32-specific (BTW: the load & save methods need never be used!). I am appealing to anyone interested to cast an eye over it and perhaps suggest some improvements. My next step is to wrap this in a number of Tk widgets (a menu, a comboentry, etc.) to provide some persistent dynamic GUI element features that I often require. =head2 EXPORT None by default. =head1 BUGS Should be Win32::MRUList because it is Win32-specific but the fact that it is Win32-specific is a bug in itself! The aim is to make this package work on other platforms (perhaps with .rc files or simillar). =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1). Win32::TieRegistry =head1 AUTHOR Michael Erskine michael.erskine@tecspy.com =head1 COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER This program is Copyright 2001 by Michael Erskine. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Perl Artistic License or the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. If you do not have a copy of the GNU General Public License write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. =cut