#perl -w use strict; use warnings; use Parse::RecDescent; use Win32::OLE; use LWP::Simple; my ($objParser, $szData, $ptr, $szThisCat, $szThisHeadline); #Configuration my $ticker_data_url = 'http://tickers.bbc.co.uk/tickerdata/story2.dat'; my @readOrder = qw/WORLD UK SCI-TECH BUSINESS FINANCE SPORTS WEATHER/; #Build the parser $objParser = new Parse::RecDescent ( join ('', ) ); die "Bad grammar!\n" if not defined $objParser; #Download the ticker data file from the BBC $szData = get $ticker_data_url; die "Couldn't retrive ticker data" if not defined $szData; #Parse $ptr = $objParser->BBCFILE(\$szData); die "Couldn't parse file!\nThis text was left:\n$szData" if not defined $ptr; #Build the voice my $voice; $voice = Win32::OLE->new("Speech.VoiceText") or die("TTS failed"); $voice->Register("", "$0"); $voice->{Enabled} = 1; $voice->{Speed} = 220; #Read the stories foreach $szThisCat ( @readOrder ) { #Read the category print $szThisCat, "\n"; talk("In $szThisCat news"); #Read each of the stories foreach $szThisHeadline ( keys %{$ptr->{$szThisCat}} ) { print "\t", $szThisHeadline, "\n"; $szThisHeadline =~ s/FTSE/footsee/o if $szThisCat eq 'FINANCE'; talk($szThisHeadline); } } sub talk{ my $line = shift; $voice->Speak($line, 1); while ($voice->IsSpeaking()) { sleep 1; } } __DATA__ #Parse::RecDescent grammar for BBC ticker file #Start up actions { my %category = (); my $szThisSection = '**Unknown**'; } BBCFILE: FILE_HEADER LAST_UPDATE SECTION(s) EOFILE { $return = \%category; } FILE_HEADER: 'BBCONLINE:LIVE' '15' 'REFRESH REV5' 'VERSION_WIN32' 'VERSION_WIN16' LAST_UPDATE: 'STORY' NUMBER 'HEADLINE' 'Last update at' TIME 'URL' SECTION: 'STORY' NUMBER 'HEADLINE' SECTION_TYPE { $szThisSection = $item{SECTION_TYPE}; } SECTION_TYPE: 'WORLD' 'NEWS' DATE 'URL' {$return = $item[1]} | 'UK' 'NEWS' DATE 'URL' {$return = $item[1]} | 'SPORTS' 'NEWS' DATE 'URL' {$return = $item[1]} | 'BUSINESS' 'NEWS' DATE 'URL' {$return = $item[1]} | 'SCI-TECH' 'NEWS' DATE 'URL' {$return = $item[1]} | 'WEATHER' DATE 'URL' {$return = $item[1]} | 'TRAVEL' 'NEWS' 'URL' {$return = $item[1]} | 'FINANCE' DATE 'URL' {$return = $item[1]} | HEADLINE URL { $category{$szThisSection}{$item{HEADLINE}} = $item{URL}; $return = $szThisSection; } URL: /[^\n]+/ { $item[1] =~ s/^URL\s+//o; $item[1] = 'N/A' if $item[1] eq ''; $return = $item[1]; } NUMBER : /[0-9]+/ TIME : /[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}/ DATE : /[0-9]{1,2} [A-Z][a-z]+ [0-9]{4}/ HEADLINE: /[^\n]+/ EOFILE : /^\Z/