#!/usr/bin/perl =pod =head1 NAME elevator.pl - a multi-threaded elevator simulator =head1 SYNOPSIS elevator.pl --elevators 3 --people 10 --floors 10 =head1 DESCRIPTION This program simulates a building with elevators and people. The people get on the elevators and ride them to their destinations. Then they get off and wait a while. Finally, the people travel to the ground floor and leave the building. Statistics are collected measuring the efficiency of the elevators from the perspective of the people. =head1 OPTIONS The following options are available to control the simulation: --elevators - number of elevators in the building (default 3) --floors - number of floors in the building (default 20) --people - number of people to create (default 10) --elevator-speed - how long an elevator takes to travel one floor, in seconds (default .25) --elevator-wait - how long an elevator waits at a floor for passengers, in seconds (default .5) --people-freq - how many people are created per second (default 2) --people-wait - how long a person spends on their destination floor, in seconds (default 5) =head1 AUTHOR Sam Tregar =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut use 5.008; # 5.8 required for stable threading use strict; # Amen use warnings; # Hallelluja use threads; # pull in threading routines use threads::shared; # and variable sharing routines # get options from command line with Getopt::Long use Getopt::Long; our $NUM_ELEVATORS = 3; our $NUM_FLOORS = 20; our $NUM_PEOPLE = 10; our $ELEVATOR_SPEED = 0.25; our $ELEVATOR_WAIT = 0.5; our $PEOPLE_FREQ = 2; our $PEOPLE_WAIT = 5; GetOptions("elevators=i" => \$NUM_ELEVATORS, "floors=i" => \$NUM_FLOORS, "people=i" => \$NUM_PEOPLE, "elevator-speed=f" => \$ELEVATOR_SPEED, "elevator-wait=f" => \$ELEVATOR_WAIT, "people-freq=i" => \$PEOPLE_FREQ, "people-wait=f" => \$PEOPLE_WAIT ); die "Usage $0 [options]\n" if @ARGV; # Building State our %DOOR : shared; # a door for each elevator on each floor our @BUTTON : shared; # a button for each floor to call the elevators our %PANEL : shared; # a panel of buttons inside each elevator for each floor # Simulation State our $FINISHED : shared = 0; # used to signal the elevators to shut down # run the simulator init_building(); init_elevator(); init_people(); finish(); exit 0; # initialize building state sub init_building { # set all indicators to 0 to start the simulation for my $floor (0 .. $NUM_FLOORS - 1) { $BUTTON[$floor] = 0; for my $elevator (0 .. $NUM_ELEVATORS - 1) { $PANEL{"$elevator.$floor"} = 0; $DOOR{"$elevator.$floor"} = 0; } } # this is as good a time as any to seed rand() srand(time ^ $$); } # create elevator threads sub init_elevator { our @elevators; for (0 .. $NUM_ELEVATORS - 1) { # pass each elevator thread a unique elevator id push @elevators, threads->new(\&Elevator::run, id => $_); } } # create people threads sub init_people { our @people; for (0 .. $NUM_PEOPLE - 1) { # pass each person thread a unique person id and a random # destination push @people, threads->new(\&Person::run, id => $_, dest => int(rand($NUM_FLOORS - 2)) + 1); # pause if we've launched enough people this second sleep 1 unless $_ % $PEOPLE_FREQ; } } # finish the simulation - join all threads and collect statistics sub finish { our (@people, @elevators); # join the people threads and collect statistics my ($total_wait, $total_ride, $max_wait, $max_ride) = (0,0,0,0); foreach (@people) { my ($wait1, $wait2, $ride1, $ride2) = $_->join; $total_wait += $wait1 + $wait2; $total_ride += $ride1 + $ride2; $max_wait = $wait1 if $wait1 > $max_wait; $max_wait = $wait2 if $wait2 > $max_wait; $max_ride = $ride1 if $ride1 > $max_ride; $max_ride = $ride2 if $ride2 > $max_ride; } # tell the elevators to shut down { lock $FINISHED; $FINISHED = 1; } $_->join for @elevators; # print out statistics print "\n", "-" x 72, "\n\nSimulation Complete\n\n", "-" x 72, "\n\n"; printf "Average Wait Time: %6.2fs\n", ($total_wait / ($NUM_PEOPLE * 2)); printf "Average Ride Time: %6.2fs\n\n", ($total_ride / ($NUM_PEOPLE * 2)); printf "Longest Wait Time: %6.2fs\n", $max_wait; printf "Longest Ride Time: %6.2fs\n\n", $max_ride; } ####################################################### # The Elevator Class # ####################################################### package Elevator; use threads; # pull in threading routines use threads::shared; # and variable sharing routines use Time::HiRes qw(sleep); # used to pause for fractional seconds # state enumeration use constant STARTING => 0; use constant STOPPED => 1; use constant GOING_UP => 2; use constant GOING_DOWN => 3; # create a new Elevator object sub new { my $pkg = shift; my $self = { state => STARTING, floor => 0, dest => 0, @_, }; return bless($self, $pkg); } # run an Elevator thread, takes a numeric id as an argument and # creates a new Elevator object sub run { my $self = Elevator->new(@_); my $id = $self->{id}; # run until simulation is finished while (1) { # get next destination $self->{dest} = $self->next_dest; # stopped? if ($self->{dest} == $self->{floor}) { # state transition to STOPPED? if ($self->{state} != STOPPED) { print "Elevator $id stopped at floor ", ($self->{dest} + 1), ".\n"; $self->{state} = STOPPED; } # wait for passengers $self->open_door; sleep $ELEVATOR_WAIT; } elsif ($self->{dest} > $self->{floor}) { # state transition to GOING UP? if ($self->{state} != GOING_UP) { print "Elevator $id going up to floor ", ($self->{dest} + 1), ".\n"; $self->{state} = GOING_UP; $self->close_door; } # travel to next floor up sleep $ELEVATOR_SPEED; $self->{floor}++; } else { # state transition to GOING DOWN? if ($self->{state} != GOING_DOWN) { print "Elevator $id going down to floor ", ($self->{dest} + 1), ".\n"; $self->{state} = GOING_DOWN; $self->close_door; } # travel to next floor down sleep $ELEVATOR_SPEED; $self->{floor}--; } # simulation over? { lock $FINISHED; return if $FINISHED; } } } # choose the next destination floor by looking at BUTTONs and PANELs sub next_dest { my $self = shift; my ($id, $state, $floor) = @{$self}{('id', 'state', 'floor')}; lock @BUTTON; lock %PANEL; # look up from current floor unless travelling down. Head # for the first activated button or panel if ($state == GOING_UP || $state == STOPPED) { for ($floor .. ($NUM_FLOORS - 1)) { return $_ if $BUTTON[$_] or $PANEL{"$id.$_"}; } } # look down from current floor for ($_ = $floor; $_ >= 0; $_--) { return $_ if $BUTTON[$_] or $PANEL{"$id.$_"}; } # look up again if going down and nothing found if ($state == GOING_DOWN) { for ($floor .. ($NUM_FLOORS - 1)) { return $_ if $BUTTON[$_] or $PANEL{"$id.$_"}; } } # stop if nothing found return $floor; } # open the elevator doors sub open_door { my $self = shift; lock %DOOR; $DOOR{"$self->{id}.$self->{floor}"} = 1; cond_broadcast(%DOOR); } # close the elevator doors sub close_door { my $self = shift; lock %DOOR; $DOOR{"$self->{id}.$self->{floor}"} = 0; } ####################################################### # The Person Class # ####################################################### package Person; use threads; # pull in threading routines use threads::shared; # and variable sharing routines use Time::HiRes qw(sleep time); # used to pause for fractional # seconds and get better statistics # create a new Person object sub new { my $pkg = shift; my $self = { @_, floor => 0, elevator => 0 }; return bless($self, $pkg); } # run a Person thread, takes an id and a destination floor as # arguments. Creates a Person object. sub run { my $self = Person->new(@_); my $id = $self->{id}; # wait for elevator going up my $wait_start1 = time; $self->wait; my $wait1 = time - $wait_start1; # board the elevator, wait for arrival destination floor and get off my $ride_start1 = time; $self->board; $self->ride; $self->disembark; my $ride1 = time - $ride_start1; # spend some time on the destination floor and then head back sleep $PEOPLE_WAIT; $self->{dest} = 0; # wait for elevator going down my $wait_start2 = time; $self->wait; my $wait2 = time - $wait_start2; # board the elevator, wait for arrival destination floor and get off my $ride_start2 = time; $self->board; $self->ride; $self->disembark; my $ride2 = time - $ride_start2; # return wait and ride times return ($wait1, $wait2, $ride1, $ride2); } # singal an elevator to come to this floor sub press_button { my $self = shift; lock @BUTTON; $BUTTON[$self->{floor}] = 1; } # wait for an elevator sub wait { my $self = shift; print "Person $self->{id} waiting on floor 1 for elevator to floor ", ($self->{dest} + 1), ".\n"; while(1) { $self->press_button(); lock(%DOOR); cond_wait(%DOOR); for (0 .. $NUM_ELEVATORS - 1) { if ($DOOR{"$_.$self->{floor}"}) { $self->{elevator} = $_; return; } } } } # get on an elevator sub board { my $self = shift; lock @BUTTON; lock %PANEL; $BUTTON[$self->{floor}] = 0; $PANEL{"$self->{elevator}.$self->{dest}"} = 1; } # ride to the destination sub ride { my $self = shift; print "Person $self->{id} riding elevator $self->{elevator} to floor ", ($self->{dest} + 1), ".\n"; lock %DOOR; cond_wait(%DOOR) until $DOOR{"$self->{elevator}.$self->{dest}"}; } # get off the elevator sub disembark { my $self = shift; print "Person $self->{id} getting off elevator $self->{elevator} ", "at floor ", ($self->{dest} + 1), ".\n"; lock %PANEL; $PANEL{"$self->{elevator}.$self->{dest}"} = 0; $self->{floor} = $self->{dest}; }