package INI::Library ; =head1 NAME INI::Library - A module for managing simple libraries stored in INI-like files. =head1 SYNOPSIS use INI::Library ; my $sql = new INI::Library { lib => 'sql.lib' } ; ## Ask for a library entry by name... my $query = $sql->retr( 'some_sql_query' ) ; ## Add or update an entry... $sql->set( 'yet_another_query', <<'END' ) ; SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE zoot = 1 END ## Remove an entry from the library... $sql->drop( 'one_more_query' ) ; ## List the entries in the library... print join( ' : ', $sql->elements ), "\n" ; ## Dump the contents of the library to a string... my $lib_str = $sql->ini_out ; ## Write the INI library to disk... $sql->write ; =head1 LIBRARY FILE FORMAT The format for the library files looks a little like an INI file (hence the name.) However, unlike an INI file, it does not handle key=value pairs which are divided into sections. Library entry names are on a line by themselves, enclosed in square brackets. Whatever occurs until the next title tag is the value of the library entry. Blank lines, pound signs (#) and C++ style comments (//) are all discarded. A sample library file might look like this: ## A sample library file [get_survey_questions] select question_no, question_text from question where survey_id = ? order by question_no [get_survey_info] select title, date_format( open_date, '%Y%m%d' ) as open_date, date_format( close_date, '%Y%m%d' ) as close_date, template_file from survey where survey_id = ? =cut use strict ; use warnings ; =head1 OBJECT METHODS =over 4 =item PACKAGE-Enew( HASHREF ) Create a new library handle. Currently, the only argument supported in the hashref is C, which refers to the file containing the INI library. =cut sub new { my $proto = shift ; my $options = shift ; my $self = { 'options' => $options, 'contents' => undef } ; { my $curr_name = '' ; open INI, $self->{'options'}->{'lib'} or die "Cannot open $self->{'options'}->{'lib'}: $!" ; while ( ) { next if m{^\s*$} ; next if m{^\s*#} ; next if m{^\s*//} ; if ( m{^\[([^\]]+)\]} ) { $curr_name = $1 ; next ; } if ( $curr_name ) { $self->{'contents'}->{$curr_name} .= $_ ; } } } bless $self, $proto ; return $self ; } =item $OBJ-Eretr( NAME ) Returns the library entry referenced by NAME. =cut sub retr { my ( $self, $entity_name ) = @_ ; return $self->{'contents'}->{$entity_name} ; } =item $OBJ-Eset( NAME, VALUE ) Sets the library entry NAME to VALUE. This is used both to create new library entries and to update existing ones. =cut sub set { my ( $self, $entity_name, $entity ) = @_ ; $self->{'contents'}->{$entity_name} = $entity ; return $self ; } =item $OBJ-Edrop( NAME ) Drops entry NAME form the library. =cut sub drop { my ( $self, $entity_name ) = @_ ; delete $self->{'contents'}->{$entity_name} ; return $self ; } =item $OBJ-Eelements Returns a list of all entry names in the library. =cut sub elements { my $self = shift ; return sort keys %{$self->{'contents'}} ; } =item $OBJ-Eini_out Returns a string containing the library contents in the same INI format that the module reads from. =cut sub ini_out { my $self = shift ; my $output = '' ; foreach ( sort keys %{$self->{'contents'}} ) { $output .= sprintf "[%s]\n%s\n", $_, $self->{'contents'}->{$_} ; } return $output ; } =item $OBJ-Ewrite Writes the library to the file named in C. =cut sub write { my $self = shift ; open OUT, ">$self->{'options'}->{'lib'}" or die "Cannot open $self->{'options'}->{'lib'}: $!" ; print OUT $self->ini_out ; close OUT ; } =back =head1 AUTHOR Doug Gorley Edouggorley@shaw.caE =cut 1 ; __END__