172 'galahad_1023056445' 173 HASH(0x5cdf98) 'backup_id' => 'galahad_1023056445' 'backup_status' => 0 'backup_time' => 1023056445 'bi_full_time' => 0 'class' => 'MII-AFS-Filesystem' 'class_type' => 'Standard (0)' 'client' => 'galahad' 'id' => 'CC0981' #### 68 212844 69 HASH(0x7eff68) 'class' => 'NT-Development' 'classtype' => 13 'client' => 'ahrdev' 'compression' => 0 'elapsed' => 0000037093 'ended' => 1022923736 'filelistcount' => 1 'files' => 'ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES' 'fileslastwritten' => 0 'group' => '' 'jobid' => 212844 'jobpid' => 17667 'jobtype' => 'immediate' 'kbytes' => 295857 #### my %images = bpimagelist('$record->{client}'); my %jobs = bpdbjobs(); #### sub post2Web { my $jRef = shift(); my $infoformat = "%-30s %-40s\n"; ### Base directory of Web database my $base = '/usr/openv/netbackup/jobs/db'; ### Job ID index directory my $jidbase = '/usr/openv/netbackup/jobs/byJobID'; ### make today's client directory if ! exist my $bkup_date = strftime "%Y%m%d", localtime($jRef->{started}); my $wkdir = "$bkup_date/TEST/$jRef->{client}"; mkpath("$base/$wkdir", 0, 0755) unless -d "$base/$wkdir"; ### make directory to hold class/schedule/jobid info my $csdir = "$jRef->{class}/$jRef->{schedule}/$jRef->{jobid}"; mkpath("$base/$wkdir/$csdir", 0, 0755) unless -d "$base/$wkdir/$csdir"; symlink "../db/$wkdir/$csdir", "$jidbase/$jRef->{jobid}"|| die "$!"; open(INFO, ">$base/$wkdir/$csdir/info") || die "Unable to open/write $base/$wkdir/csdir/info, $!"; printf INFO $infoformat, "jobid", $jRef->{jobid}; printf INFO $infoformat, "jobtype", $jRef->{jobtype}; printf INFO $infoformat, "state", $jRef->{state}; printf INFO $infoformat, "status", $jRef->{status}; printf INFO $infoformat, "client", $jRef->{client}; printf INFO $infoformat, "server", $jRef->{server}; printf INFO $infoformat, "stunit", $jRef->{stunit}; printf INFO $infoformat, "started", $jRef->{started}; printf INFO $infoformat, "elapsed", $jRef->{elapsed}; printf INFO $infoformat, "ended", $jRef->{ended}; printf INFO $infoformat, "files", $jRef->{files}; printf INFO $infoformat, "Mbytes", $jRef->{Kbytes}; printf INFO $infoformat, "kbytes last written", close INFO; } What I want to do is incorporate pertinent values from %image #### #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use strict; use NBUX; my $record; my %images = bpimagelist('$record->{client}'); foreach my $key (sort keys %images) { prtID($images{$key}); } sub prtID { my $ref = shift; print "client = $ref->{client}\n"; print "\tid= $ref->{id}\n"; }