type max size ------------ ------------- TINYBLOB 255 BLOB 65_535 MEDIUMBLOB 16_777_215 LARGEBLOB 4_294_967_295 #### UPLOAD FLOW DOWNLOAD FLOW +-------------------------+ +-------------------------+ | | | DB field < 2 MB | | | | | | large binary file | +-------------------------+ | (5.5 MB) | | DB field < 2 MB | | | | | | | +-------------------------+ +-------------------------+ | DB field < 2 MB | | | | V +-------------------------+ +-------------------------+ | | file chunk < 2 MB | V | | /=========================\ +-------------------------+ || protocol limit || | file chunk < 2 MB | || 2 MB || | | \=========================/ +-------------------------+ | | file chunk < 2 MB | V | | +-------------------------+ +-------------------------+ | file chunk < 2 MB | | | | V +-------------------------+ /=========================\ | file chunk < 2 MB | || protocol limit || | | || 2 MB || +-------------------------+ \=========================/ | file chunk < 2 MB | | | | V +-------------------------+ +-------------------------+ | | DB field < 2 MB | V | | +-------------------------+ +-------------------------+ | | | DB field < 2 MB | | | | | | large binary file | +-------------------------+ | (5.5 MB) | | DB field < 2 MB | | | | | | | +-------------------------+ +-------------------------+ #### +-------------+---------------+------+-----+---------+-----------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-------------+---------------+------+-----+---------+-----------+ | id | int(11) | | PRI | NULL | auto_incr | | name | varchar(50) | | MUL | | | | description | varchar(250) | YES | | NULL | | | vers | varchar(15) | YES | | NULL | | | bin | mediumblob | YES | | NULL | | | filename | varchar(50) | | | | | | username | varchar(30) | | | | | | updated | timestamp(14) | YES | | NULL | | +-------------+---------------+------+-----+---------+-----------+ #### #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use DBI; =head1 NAME blobs.pl -- script to upload / download HUGE BLOB fields to a MySQL database =head1 SYNOPSIS For the purpose of this tutorial, this script will create a B, where you can upload binary packages, list their status and download them to a file. $ perl blobs.pl u perl perl_stable.tar.gz "5.6.1" "my latest version" Uploads the perl binary package (> 5 MB) to a database table, splitting the file into chunks if necessary $ perl blobs.pl l perl Lists the details of the "perl" package stored in the database $ perl blobs.pl d perl perl_stable.5.6.1.tgz Downloads the perl binary and saves it to a new file =head1 The script =head2 parameters u|d|l|r = (u)pload | (d)ownload | (l)ist | (r)emove name = the name of the package that we want to upload / download / list. In the latter case, you can use DB wildchars ('%' = any sequence of chars, '_' = any character) filename = the name of the file to upload / download. Mandatory only for uploading. If missing when we download, the name stored in the database is used. version = free text up to 12 characters description = free text up to 250 characters =head2 Status of this script This script is mainly provided for tutorial purposes. Although it works fine, it is not as robust as I would like it to be. I am planning to make a module out of it, to isolate the data management from the interface. Eventually I will do it. In the meantime, please forgive my hasty interface and try to concentrate on the theory behind it. Thanks. =head2 handling parameters Nothing fancy. Interface to a minimum. Parameters are read sequencially from the command line. Optional parameters are evaluated according to the current operation. =cut my $op = shift or help(); # operation (list / upload/download) help() unless $op =~ /^[udlr]$/; my $softname = shift or help(); # package name my ($filename, $version, $description)=(undef,undef,undef); if ($op eq "u") { # read optional parameters $filename = shift or help(); $version = shift; $description = shift; } elsif ($op eq "d") { $filename = shift; } =head2 connection If this were a module, you would have to pass an already constructed $dbh object. Since it is a script, instead, you should modify the statement to suit your needs. Don't forget to create a "software" database in your MySQL system, or change the name to a more apt name. =cut my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:software;host=localhost;" . "mysql_read_default_file=$ENV{HOME}/.my.cnf", undef,undef, {RaiseError => 1}); =head2 Table structure The table is created the first time the script is executes, unless it exists already. =cut #$dbh->do(qq{CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS software}); $dbh->do(qq{CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS software_repos (id INT not null auto_increment primary key, name varchar(50) not null, description varchar(250), vers varchar(15), bin mediumblob, filename varchar(50) not null, username varchar(30) not null, updated timestamp(14) not null, key name(name), unique key idname (id, name) )}); =head2 scrip flow depending on th value of $op (operation) the appropriate subroutine is called. =cut if ($op eq "l") { list($softname); } elsif ($op eq "u") { upload($softname, $filename, $version, $description) } elsif ($op eq "r") { remove($softname); } else { download($softname, $filename) } $dbh->disconnect(); =head2 functions =over 4 =item getlist() getlist() gets the details of a given package stored in the database and returns a reference to an array reference with the selected table information. =cut sub getlist{ my $sname = shift; my $row = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(qq{ select name, vers, count(*) as chunks, sum(length(bin)) as size, filename, description from software_repos where name like "$sname" group by name }); # the GROUP BY clause is necessary to give the total # number of chunks and the total size return $row; } =item list list() calls internally getlist() and prints the result =cut sub list { my $sname = shift; my $row = getlist($sname); return undef unless $row->[0]; print join "\t", qw(name ver chunks size filename description),"\n"; print '-' x 60, "\n"; print join "\t", @{$_},"\n" for @$row; } =item remove remove() will delete an existing package from the database table. Nothing happens if the package does not exist. =cut sub remove { my $sname = shift; $dbh->do(qq{ delete from software_repos where name = "$sname"}); } =item upload upload() reads a given file, in chunks not larger than the value of max_allowed_packet, and store them into the database table. =cut sub upload { my ($sname, $fname, $vers, $descr) = @_; open FILE, "< $fname" or die "can't open $fname\n"; my $maxlen = getmaxlen(); # gets the value of max_allowed_packet my $bytes=$maxlen; $fname =~ s{.*/}{}; # removes the path from the file name print "$fname\n"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{ INSERT INTO software_repos (name, vers, bin, description, filename, username, updated) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, user(), NULL)}); # before uploading, we delete the package with the same name remove($sname); # now we read the file and upload it piece by piece while ($bytes) { read FILE, $bytes,$maxlen; $sth->execute( $sname, $vers, $bytes, $descr, $fname) if $bytes; } close FILE; } =item download download() is upload() counterpart. It fetches the chunks from the database and compose a new binary file. =cut sub download { my ($sname, $fname) = @_; # if we don't supply a name, the one stored in # the database will be used unless (defined $fname) { my $row = getlist($sname); die "$sname not found\n" unless $row->[0]; $fname =$row->[0][4]; } # checks if the file exists. Refuses to overwtite if (-e $fname) { die "file ($fname) exists already\n"; } open FILE, "> $fname" or die "can't open $fname\n"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{ SELECT bin from software_repos where name = ? order by id }); $sth->execute($sname); my $success =0; while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { syswrite FILE, $row[0]; $success =1; } close FILE; die "$sname not found\n" unless $success; } =item getmaxlen getmaxlen() will return the value of max_allowed_packet =cut sub getmaxlen { my $rows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{show variables LIKE "max_allowed_packets"}); for (@$rows) { # returns the max_allowed_packet # minus a safely calculated size return $_->[1] - 100_000 } die "max packet length not found \n"; } =item help help() gives a summary of the script usage =back =cut sub help { print <## $ perl blobs.pl u mysql4 mysql-4.0.1-alpha.tar.gz "4.0.1" "MySQL alpha" #### $ perl blobs.pl d mysql mysql-4.0.1-alpha.tar.gz