my $process_file_name = shift @ARGV; #### # file name for corrected data my $clean_file_name = "$processfilename.clean"; # numeric value of the "usual" line starting character my $correct_start_char = 16; # "usual" starting length of lines starting with $correct_start_char my $correct_start_length = 16; # correct length of lines after they have been stripped my $correct_clean_length = 13; # length of lines that do not include the extra stop and start characters my $typed_length = 14; # Do not change these values, they are used to # report the number of lines read, and written my $raw_file_length = 0; my $clean_file_length = 0; #### &ProcessFile; #### my($raw_file_length, $clean_file_length) = process_file( $process_file_name, $clean_file_name, $correct_start_char, $correct_start_length, $correct_clean_length, $typed_length); #### my @args = ( $ARGV[0], # file to process "$ARGV[0].clean", # processed file 16, # numeric value of the "usual" # line starting character 16, # "usual" starting length of lines # starting with $correct_start_char 13, # correct length of lines after they # have been stripped 14 # length of lines that do not include # the extra stop and start characters ); my($raw_file_length, $clean_file_length) = process_file( @args ); #### print "$raw_file_length lines read from $args[0]\n"; print "$clean_file_length lines written to $args[1]\n"; print "\a"; exit(0); #### chomp $data; chop $data; $data = reverse ($data); chop $data; $data = reverse ($data); #### $data = substr($data, 1, -2); #### chomp $data; $datalengthtrack--; chop $data; $datalengthtrack--; $data = reverse ($data); while ($datalengthtrack > $correctcleanlength){ chop $data; $datalengthtrack--; } $data = reverse ($data); print CLEANFILE "$data\n"; #### print CLEANFILE substr( substr($data, 0, -2), -$correct_clean_length), "\n"; #### if ( $start_char == $correct_start_char ) { next if $data_length != $correct_start_length; if ( $data_length == $correct_start_length ) { print CLEANFILE substr($data, 1, -2), "\n"; $clean_file_length++; } } else { if ( $data_length > $correct_clean_length ) { print CLEANFILE substr( substr($data, 0, -2), -$correct_clean_length), "\n"; $clean_file_length++; } elsif ( $data_length == $typed_length ) { print CLEANFILE $data; $clean_file_length++; } } #### my ( $file_name, $clean_file_name, $correct_start_char, $correct_start_length, $correct_clean_length, $typed_length) = @_; #### open RAW, $file_name or die "Cannot open $file_name: $!"; open CLEAN, ">$clean_file_name" or die "Cannot open $clean_file_name: $!"; #### my($raw_lines, $clean_lines); #### my($raw_file_length, $clean_file_length) #### #!/usr/bin/perl #################################################### # : Raw Scanned File Processing program # Version 1.0 # Written by Robb Pickinpaugh # 01/31/2002 # for use on Windows NT #################################################### use strict; use warnings; my @args = ( $ARGV[0], # file to process "$ARGV[0].clean", # processed file 16, # numeric value of the "usual" # line starting character 16, # "usual" starting length of lines # starting with $correct_start_char 13, # correct length of lines after they # have been stripped 14 # length of lines that do not include # the extra stop and start characters ); my($raw_file_length, $clean_file_length) = process_file( @args ); print "$raw_file_length lines read from $args[0]\n"; print "$clean_file_length lines written to $args[1]\n"; print "\a"; exit(0); sub process_file { my ( $file_name, $clean_file_name, $correct_start_char, $correct_start_length, $correct_clean_length, $typed_length) = @_; open RAW, $file_name or die "Cannot open $file_name: $!"; open CLEAN, ">$clean_file_name" or die "Cannot open $clean_file_name: $!"; my ($raw_lines, $clean_lines); while ( my $line = ) { my $line_length = length $line; my $start_char = ord $line; if ( $start_char == $correct_start_char ) { next if $line_length != $correct_start_length; if ( $line_length == $correct_start_length ) { print CLEAN substr($line, 1, -2), "\n"; $clean_lines++; } } else { if ( $line_length > $correct_clean_length ) { print CLEAN substr( substr($line, 0, -2), -$correct_clean_length), "\n"; $clean_lines++; } elsif ( $line_length == $typed_length ) { print CLEAN $line; $clean_lines++; } } $raw_lines = $.; } close RAW or die "cannot close $file_name: $!"; close CLEAN or die "cannot close $clean_file_name: $!"; return ($raw_lines, $clean_lines); } __END__