use strict; use AnyEvent; use AnyEvent::I3; my $i3 = i3(); $i3->connect->recv or die "Error connecting to i3"; $i3->command("workspace 1")->recv; #### use strict; use AnyEvent; use AnyEvent::I3; my $i3 = i3(); $i3->connect->recv or die "Error connecting to i3"; $i3->subscribe({ workspace => \&handle })->recv->{success} or die "Error subscribing to events"; AE::cv->recv; sub handle { my($data)=@_; if($data->{change} eq "empty") { print "empty workspace!!\n"; } } #### use strict; use AnyEvent; use AnyEvent::I3; my $i3 = i3(); $i3->connect->recv or die "Error connecting to i3"; $i3->subscribe({ workspace => \&handle })->recv->{success} or die "Error subscribing to events"; AE::cv->recv; sub handle { my($data)=@_; if($data->{change} eq "empty") { print "empty workspace!!\n"; $i3->command("workspace 1")->recv; } } #### EV: error in callback (ignoring): AnyEvent::CondVar: recursive blocking wait attempted