#!/bin/bash echo " drop table if exists quad_poly_tbl ; create table quad_poly_tbl (id int, p polygon); insert into quad_poly_tbl select (x - 1) * 100 + y, polygon(circle(point(x * 10, y * 10), 1 + (x + y) % 10)) from generate_series(1, 100) x, generate_series(1, 100) y ; insert into quad_poly_tbl select i, polygon '((200, 300),(210, 310),(230, 290))' from generate_series(10001, 11000) AS i ; analyze quad_poly_tbl; -- search for overlap with this polygon: select * from quad_poly_tbl where p && '((22,640),(23.0717967697245,644),(26,646.928203230275),(30,648),(34,646.928203230275),(36.9282032302755,644),(38,640))'::polygon ; --> Time: 1.382 ms -- Seq Scan on quad_poly_tbl (3 MB) -- now add index: create index quad_poly_tbl_idx ON quad_poly_tbl USING spgist(p); -- search again for overlap with this polygon but now WITH the polygon-index present: select * from quad_poly_tbl where p && '((22,640),(23.0717967697245,644),(26,646.928203230275),(30,648),(34,646.928203230275),(36.9282032302755,644),(38,640))'::polygon ; --> Time: 0.271 ms -- Bitmap Index Scan on quad_poly_tbl_idx (1 MB) " | psql -qa #### --> Time: 1.382 ms -- Seq Scan on quad_poly_tbl (3 MB) --> Time: 0.271 ms -- Bitmap Index Scan on quad_poly_tbl_idx (1 MB)