print("\nnumber of occurance is $count\n"); #!/usr/bin/perl use 5.010; use strict; use warnings; #Open MSM Log in read Mode open(my $MSMLog, '<','MSMLogs.txt'); #Create Audit txt file in write mode open(my $Audit, '>','br.1'); print("Task Started.........\n"); #iterate each word to identify the logs while (my $row = <$MSMLog>) { chomp $row; getCount($row); } sub getCount { #Open MobileService.log file in read mode open(my $MobileServiceLog, '<','one.txt'); my @StaticLog = @_; my $count = 0; #print ("\nvalue in MSM Static is ------ $StaticLog[0]\n"); while (my $row = <$MobileServiceLog>) { my @actualWord = split /;/, $row; my $MobileService = $actualWord[7]; #print ("value in MobileService is ------ $MobileService\n"); if ($MobileService =~ /$StaticLog[0]/) { $count += 1; } } $_=1 print ($Audit "\n$StaticLog[0] occurance is ------- \t$count\n"); print("\nnumber of occurance is $count\n"); close $MobileServiceLog; } print ($Audit "Task Completed"); print ("Task Completed"); close $MSMLog; close $Audit;