sub redirected_system { my @args=@_; my $pid=fork() // die "Can't fork: $!"; if ($pid) { # (parent) waitpid($pid,0); # plus whatever is needed to collect data from the child } else { # (child) # modify file handles as needed (redirection) # change UID, GID if needed # chdir if needed # chroot if needed exec { $args[0] } @args or die "exec failed: $!"; } } #### sub hooked_system(&@) { my ($hook,@args)=@; my $pid=fork() // die "Can't fork: $!"; if ($pid) { # (parent) waitpid($pid,0); # plus whatever is needed to collect data from the child } else { # (child) $hook->(); exec { $args[0] } @args or die "exec failed: $!"; } }