my @array = split /(?=\breplace\s*\()/, 'chunk1 replace(123\) ) chunk3 "Hello replace me" more stuff'; my @lotsa_chunks; for my $bit (@array) { if ($bit =~ /^replace/) { # do careful stuff, on new chunk my $last = ''; my $re = ''; for (split //, $bit) { unless ( $_ eq ')' and $last ne "\\" ) { $re .= $_; $last = $_; next; } $re .= $_; # add closing bracket push @lotsa_chunks, $re; # push complete RE into a chunk $bit =~ s/\Q$re\E//; # hack RE off push @lotsa_chunks, chunk($bit); # chunk the remainder } } else { push @lotsa_chunks, chunk($bit); } } print "$_\n" for @lotsa_chunks; # this sub splits a function into quoted and unquoted chunks sub chunk { my $func = shift; my @chunks; my $chunk = 0; my $found_quote = ''; for (split //, $func) { # look for RE # look for opening quote if (/'|"/ and ! $found_quote) { $found_quote = $_; $chunk++; $chunks[$chunk] = $_; next; } # look for coresponding closing quote if ( $found_quote and /$found_quote/ ) { $found_quote = ''; $chunks[$chunk] .= $_; $chunk++; next; } # no quotes so just add to current chunk $chunks[$chunk] .= $_; } # strip whitespace from unquoted chunks; for (@chunks) { next if m/^(?:"|')/; # leave quoted strings alone s/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$//g; } return @chunks; } #### #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my ( $data, %funcs, %globals ); open JS, $ARGV[0] or die "Useage $0 \nCan't open '$ARGV[0]': $!\n"; local $/; $data = ; close JS; my $was = length $data; $data =~ s|//.*\n|\n|g; # strip single line comments $data =~ s|/\*.*?\*/||gs; # strip multi-line comments $data =~ s|^\s*\n||gm; # strip blank lines $data =~ s|^\s+||gm; # strip leading whitespace $data =~ s|\s+$||gm; # strip trailing whitespace # do the magic and split into functions my @functions = split /(?=\bfunction\s+\w+\s*\()/, $data; # map function names to new names starting with 'a' my $name = 'a'; for (@functions) { $funcs{$1} = $name++ if m/^function\s+(\w+)\s*\(/; } # modify all the function names my $funcs = join '|', keys %funcs; my $func_sub = qr/\b($funcs)\b/; s|$func_sub|$funcs{$1}|g for @functions; # modify all the global vars # as we have split on function keyword these should # be in the first element of our function array unless ($functions[0] =~ /^function/) { my @globals = $functions[0] =~ m/var\s+(\w+)/g; if (@globals) { $globals{$_} = $name++ for @globals; my $globals = join '|', keys %globals; my $global_sub = qr/\b($globals)\b/; for my $func (@functions) { my @chunks = chunk($func); for (@chunks) { next if m/^(?:"|')/; # leave quoted strings alone s|$global_sub|$globals{$1}|g; } $func = join '', @chunks; } } } # modify all the scoped vars continuing var names on from func/global names my $end_globals = $name; for my $func (@functions) { next unless $func =~ m/^function/; my ( @locals, %locals ); $name = $end_globals; # each function can use the same local names @locals = $func =~ m/var\s+(\w+)/g; my ($local) = $func =~ m/function\s+\w+\s*\(([^\)]+)/; if ($local) { $local =~ s/\n|\s//g; push @locals, split ',', $local; } for my $var (@locals) { next unless $var; $locals{$var} = $name++; } next unless keys %locals; my $locals = join '|', keys %locals; my $local_sub = qr/\b($locals)\b/; my @chunks = chunk($func); for (@chunks) { next if m/^(?:"|')/; # leave quoted strings alone s|$local_sub|$locals{$1}|g; } $func = join '', @chunks; } # do some initial condensation around curlies for (@functions) { s/\n{/{/gm; s/\n}/}/gm; } # now every exposed line ending should end in a ; { or } if we are to safely # condense this down by removing newlines - we add the ; if are missing for my $func (@functions) { my @lines = split "\n", $func; for (@lines) { $_.= ";" unless m/(?:}|{|;)$/; } $func = join '', @lines; $func .= "\n"; } # remove whitespace around all operators my @operators = qw# + - * / = == != < > <= >= ( ) [ ] { } ? ; : #; push @operators, ','; # need to do it this way to avoid warnings $_ = quotemeta $_ for @operators; my $operator_sub = join '|', @operators; $operator_sub = qr/($operator_sub)/; for my $func (@functions) { my @chunks = chunk($func); for (@chunks) { next if m/^(?:"|')/; # leave quoted strings alone s#[ \t]+$operator_sub#$1#g; s#$operator_sub[ \t]+#$1#g; } $func = join '', @chunks; } # ta da time to print out the results # first display a list of modified fuction names. # Note: any function called in the html will have to be modified accordingly! print "New function names are:\nwas called\t=>\tis now called\n"; print "$_()\t=>\t$funcs{$_}()\n" for keys %funcs; print "\n"; # print out the modified code print @functions; # a few stats just for the hell of it print "\n\nLength change:\n"; my $is = length join '', @functions; printf "Originally %d bytes now %d bytes or %2d%% of original size\n", $was, $is, ($is/$was)*100; exit; # chop a function up into RE and non RE bits so we can chunkify # it into strings and non string sections sub chunk { my $func = shift; my @lotsa_chunks; my @array = split /(?=\breplace\s*\()/, $func; for my $bit (@array) { if ($bit =~ /^replace/) { # do careful quote parse, on RE chunk my $last = ''; my $re = ''; for (split //, $bit) { unless ( $_ eq ')' and $last ne "\\" ) { $re .= $_; $last = $_; next; } $re .= $_; # add closing bracket push @lotsa_chunks, $re; # push complete RE into a chunk $bit =~ s/\Q$re\E//; # hack RE off push @lotsa_chunks, strings($bit); # chunk the remainder } } else { push @lotsa_chunks, strings($bit); } } return @lotsa_chunks } # this sub splits a function into quoted and unquoted chunks sub strings { my $func = shift; my @chunks; my $chunk = 0; my $found_quote = ''; for (split //, $func) { # look for RE # look for opening quote if (/'|"/ and ! $found_quote) { $found_quote = $_; $chunk++; $chunks[$chunk] = $_; next; } # look for coresponding closing quote if ( $found_quote and /$found_quote/ ) { $found_quote = ''; $chunks[$chunk] .= $_; $chunk++; next; } # no quotes so just add to current chunk $chunks[$chunk] .= $_; } # strip whitespace from unquoted chunks; for (@chunks) { next if m/^(?:"|')/; # leave quoted strings alone s/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$//g; } return @chunks; } =head1 NAME - a Perl script to obfuscate and condense javascript code =head1 SYNOPSIS where file is the raw javascript only, not HTML output is to STDOUT so send it wherever you want with a > redirect: infile.js > outfile.js =head1 DESCRIPTION This script is primarily designed to munge .js files. It will procees any pure javascript but was not designed to process javascript embedded in HTML. It processes a javascript in several stages. The first stage is to remove all comments, blank lines and leading/trailing whitespace. This is a fairly safe thing to do and should not break scripts. The next stage is rather more dangerous. All the fuctions are renamed. The first function found will be renamed a() the next b() and so on. All global vars are similarly renamed to single (if not all used up) letter names that follow in sequence from the function names. Finally all local function vars are renamed starting with the letter immediately after the last global. The net result is that all the functions and variables will now have 1-2 letter meaningless names. There is plenty of scope for disaster here but I do not have enough javascript on hand to detect any. The algorithm works OK on my style of javascripting. The final stage is to condense the script down. Each function is written to a single line. All excess whitespace around operators is stripped out. This is a fairly safe stage too. Literal newlines in strings will be stripped if you are using them. "\n" is just fine. If it breaks a script you can comment out different sections to see which process is to blame. =head2 BUGS Bound to be. This script was knocked up over a couple of hours and has had minimal testing. The algorithm works OK on my style of javascripting but my javascript looks a lot like Perl. Email me any scripts that break when you javastrip them and I'll see if I can patch it. =head1 AUTHOR tachyon aka Dr James Freeman =head1 LICENSE This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the "GNU General Public License". =head1 DISCLAIMER This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the "GNU General Public License" for more details. =cut