#/bin/perl/ use strict; use warnings; # First, setting the directories we're interested in. my $inputs = "~/inputs"; # inputs we upload to the server. my $results = "~/results"; # results coming in. my @array; # tarballs of the incoming results. chomp (@array = system "ls $results\/*.tar.gz"); # putting all tar files in an array # tar can't accept multiple tar.gz files as input # arguments after the tarball filename are expected to be files to untar from the tarball. foreach (@array) { system "tar -tvf $results\/$_"; } #### /home/user/results/results_back.tar.gz (my comment -> that's the ls command output, so it is finding one tar.gz file, I only have one for now) tar: 0: Cannot open: No such file or directory tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now