#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Memoize; memoize('leonardo'); sub leonardo{ my $n = shift; if($n == 0 || $n == 1){ return 1; } else{ return leonardo($n-2)+leonardo($n-1)+1; } } sub heapify{ #this function operates on only one tree, given its order and start #it will make sure its a heap my($tab_ref,$order,$start) = @_; my $move = 0; #if the tree order is 0 or 1 then its a one element tree, so #its already sorted if($order > 1){ my %father = (value=>$tab_ref->[$start+leonardo($order)-1], pos=>$start+leonardo($order)-1); my %left_child = (value =>$tab_ref->[$start+leonardo($order-1)-1], pos=>$start+leonardo($order-1)-1); my %right_child = (value=>$tab_ref->[$start+leonardo($order)-2], pos=>$start+leonardo($order)-2); #is left child bigger than father? #if yes swap them if($left_child{value} > $father{value}){ $tab_ref->[$father{pos}] = $left_child{value}; $tab_ref->[$left_child{pos}] = $father{value}; $move++; } #is right child bigger than father? if yes swap them elsif ( $right_child{value} > $father{value}){ $tab_ref->[$father{pos}] = $right_child{value}; $tab_ref->[$right_child{pos}] = $father{value}; $move++; } #now lets do a recursion into the left child if it is more than one #node if($order -1 > 1){ heapify($tab_ref,$order-1,$start); } #now lets do a recursion into the right child if it is more than one #node if($order-2 > 1){ heapify($tab_ref,$order-2,$start+leonardo($order-1)); } if($move > 0){ #lets reheapify myself in case something percolated up heapify($tab_ref,$order,$start); } } } sub restring{ my($tab_ref,$trees_ref,$treenum) = @_; my @roots; my ($start,$root) = (0,0); #I create an array containing the indices of all tree roots for my $i ( 0..$treenum-1){ ($start,$root) = get_start_root($trees_ref,$i); $roots[$i] = $root; } my $move = 0; #now for each tree root I make sure its bigger than its predecessor for my $i ( 0 .. $#roots){ my %cur = (pos=>$roots[$i],value=>$tab_ref->[$roots[$i]]); #if I'm checking the first root, the predecessor is himself my %prev = $i > 0?(pos=>$roots[$i-1],value=>$tab_ref->[$roots[$i-1]]):%cur; #if the current root is lower than its predecessor I swap them #then make sure the heap property of both is still ok if($cur{value}<$prev{value}){ $tab_ref->[$cur{pos}] = $prev{value}; $tab_ref->[$prev{pos}] = $cur{value}; $move++; ($start,$root) = get_start_root($trees_ref,$i); heapify($tab_ref,$$trees_ref[$i],$start); ($start,$root) = get_start_root($trees_ref,$i-1); heapify($tab_ref,$$trees_ref[$i-1],$start); } } #if I made any move, the heapify function might have crapped up my #stringing, hence I recurse to make sure everything is ok if($move > 0){ restring($tab_ref,$trees_ref,$treenum); } } sub add_tree{ my($trees_ref,$tree_num_ref,$tab_ref) = @_; my ($start,$root); #if last two treers are of continuous orders if($$trees_ref[$$tree_num_ref-1] == $$trees_ref[$$tree_num_ref-2]-1){ $$trees_ref[$$tree_num_ref-2]++; $$tree_num_ref--; ($start,$root) = get_start_root($trees_ref,$$tree_num_ref-1); heapify($tab_ref,$$trees_ref[$$tree_num_ref-1],$start); ($start,$root) = get_start_root($trees_ref,$$tree_num_ref-2); heapify($tab_ref,$$trees_ref[$$tree_num_ref-1],$start); restring($tab_ref,$trees_ref,$$tree_num_ref); } #if last tree is not of order 1 I create one elsif($$trees_ref[$$tree_num_ref-1] != 1){ $$trees_ref[$$tree_num_ref] = 1; $$tree_num_ref++; ($start,$root) = get_start_root($trees_ref,$$tree_num_ref-1); heapify($tab_ref,$$trees_ref[$$tree_num_ref-1],$start); restring($tab_ref,$trees_ref,$$tree_num_ref); } #else I create a tree of order 0 else{ $$trees_ref[$$tree_num_ref] = 0; $$tree_num_ref++; ($start,$root) = get_start_root($trees_ref,$$tree_num_ref-1); heapify($tab_ref,$$trees_ref[$$tree_num_ref-1],$start); restring($tab_ref,$trees_ref,$$tree_num_ref); } } sub smoothsort{ my $tab_ref = shift; my @trees; my $trees_ref = \@trees; my $treenum = 0; #I have more than one value, so I initiate with two trees of l0 and l1 if($#$tab_ref > 0){ $$trees_ref[0] = 1; $$trees_ref[1] = 0; $treenum +=2; } #I have only one value else{ $$trees_ref[0] = 0; $treenum++; } my($start,$root); restring($tab_ref,$trees_ref,$treenum); my $cur = 2; while($cur < $#$tab_ref+1){ add_tree($trees_ref,\$treenum,$tab_ref); $cur++; } #now that I'm done tree building and stringing I can start to dequeue: #starting from the last tree while($treenum > 0){ my $cur_tree = $$trees_ref[$treenum-1]; ($start,$root)=get_start_root($trees_ref,$treenum-1); if($cur_tree > 1){ #this tree has children, hence it is broken up in two subtrees #the first is of the same order minus one takes the place of #its father, the second one of same order minus two is added $$trees_ref[$treenum] = $$trees_ref[$treenum-1]-2; $$trees_ref[$treenum-1] -= 1; $treenum++; ($start,$root) = get_start_root($trees_ref,$treenum-1); restring($tab_ref,$trees_ref,$treenum); heapify($tab_ref,$$trees_ref[$treenum-1],$start); ($start,$root) = get_start_root($trees_ref,$treenum-2); heapify($tab_ref,$$trees_ref[$treenum-2],$start); } else{ $treenum--; } } } sub get_start_root{ my ($trees_ref,$tree_ind) = @_; my ($start,$root) = (0,0); #if it is the first tree, then its start indice is 0 if($tree_ind > 0){ for my $i ( 0 .. $tree_ind-1){ $start += leonardo($$trees_ref[$i]); } } $root = $start + leonardo($$trees_ref[$tree_ind])-1; return ($start,$root); } my $n = $ARGV[0]; my @tab; for(my $i = 0; $i < $n;$i++){ $tab[$i] = int(rand(1000)); } print "unsorted tab = @tab\n"; smoothsort(\@tab); print "sorted tab = @tab\n"