file1 is common_modify.vhd which has following lines of codes sum_1_SUM0_0 : XOR3 port map(A => b_c, B => a_c, C => c_c, Y => sum_c); a_pad : INBUF port map(PAD => a, Y => a_c); sum_1_CO0_i : MAJ3 port map(A => a_c, B => c_c, C => b_c, Y => N_5); #### file2 is nets.txt which has following lines of codes a_c b_c c_c #### file3 is enabled_nets.txt which has following lines of codes a_e b_e c_e #### open (IN1, "output_file.vhd") or die; my @nets = ; my @enabled_nets = ; while () { foreach $i (0..$#nets){ print OUT if (s/\=\>\s+$nets[$i]\,/\=\> $enabled_nets[$i]\,/); } } #### sum_1_SUM0_0 : XOR3 port map(A => b_e, B => a_e, C => c_e, Y => sum_c); a_pad : INBUF port map(PAD => a, Y => a_c); sum_1_CO0_i : MAJ3 port map(A => a_e, B => c_e, C => b_e, Y => N_5);