fritz@laptop:~/Documents/perlmonks/Astro-SIMBAD-Client-0.047$ perl Makefile.PL The following optional modules were not available: * SOAP::Lite is not available. This module is required for the query() method. If you do not intend to use this method, SOAP::Lite is not needed. It is not necessary to install these now. If you decide to install them later, this software will make use of them when it finds them. The simbadc script is a simple wrapper for Astro::SIMBAD::Client, which may be used interactively or as a Unix filter. >>>> NOTICE <<<< #### The following optional modules were not available: * SOAP::Lite is not available. This module is required for the query() method. If you do not intend to use this method, SOAP::Lite is not needed. It is not necessary to install these now. If you decide to install them later, this software will make use of them when it finds them. #### >> n # SIMBAD4 1.8 - 2022-12 main::(basic.t:36): 1; >> y $smb = Astro::SIMBAD::Client=HASH(0x558df742b510) 'autoload' => 1 'debug' => 0 'delay' => 3 'emulate_soap_queries' => 1 'format' => HASH(0x558df797c188) 'script' => '' 'txt' => '---\\nname: \'%IDLIST(NAME|1)\'\\ntype: \'%OTYPE\'\\nlong: \'%OTYPELIST\'\\nra: %COO(d;A)\\ndec: %COO(d;D)\\nplx: %PLX(V)\\npm:\\n - %PM(A)\\n - %PM(D)\\nradial: %RV(V)\\nredshift: %RV(Z)\\nspec: %SP(S)\\nbmag: %FLUXLIST(B)[%flux(F)]\\nvmag: %FLUXLIST(V)[%flux(F)]\\nident:\\n%IDLIST[ - \'%*\'\\n]' 'vo' => 'id(NAME|1),otype,ra(d),dec(d),plx_value,pmra,pmdec,rv_value,z_value,sp_type,flux(B),flux(V)' 'parser' => HASH(0x558df796e728) 'script' => '' 'txt' => '' 'vo' => '' 'post' => 1 'scheme' => 'http' 'server' => '' 'type' => 'txt' 'verbatim' => 0 >> #p $smb{server} >> r 1..5 Debugged program terminated. Use q to quit or R to restart, #### #source 2.basic.txt #source 2.basic.txt n n n n n n n n n n n n n n s v s n n #v n #save 3.basic.txt #v b 1147 n n n n n n n n n n y #p $smb{server} r #save 4.basic.txt #### fritz@laptop:~/Documents/perlmonks/Astro-SIMBAD-Client-0.047$ prove -vb t/basic.t t/basic.t .. ok 1 - require Astro::SIMBAD::Client; ok 2 - Instantiate Astro::SIMBAD::Client ok 3 - Initial debug setting is 0 ok 4 - Able to set debug to 1 ok 5 - Default scheme is 'http' # 500 Can't connect to (Name or service not known) at t/basic.t line 35. 1..5 ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=5, 11 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.01 sys + 0.19 cusr 0.03 csys = 0.26 CPU) Result: PASS fritz@laptop:~/Documents/perlmonks/Astro-SIMBAD-Client-0.047$ #### eval { diag join ': ', $smb->__build_url(), scalar $smb->release(); 1; } or do { my $err = $@; diag join ': ', $smb->__build_url(), $err; }; #### alias bounce alias bounce='sudo service network-manager restart ' fritz@laptop:~/Documents/perlmonks/Astro-SIMBAD-Client-0.047$ bounce [sudo] password for fritz: fritz@laptop:~/Documents/perlmonks/Astro-SIMBAD-Client-0.047$ prove -vb t/basic.t t/basic.t .. ok 1 - require Astro::SIMBAD::Client; ok 2 - Instantiate Astro::SIMBAD::Client ok 3 - Initial debug setting is 0 ok 4 - Able to set debug to 1 ok 5 - Default scheme is 'http' # SIMBAD4 1.8 - 2022-12 1..5 ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=5, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.00 sys + 0.20 cusr 0.01 csys = 0.24 CPU) Result: PASS fritz@laptop:~/Documents/perlmonks/Astro-SIMBAD-Client-0.047$ #### fritz@laptop:~/Documents/repo1$ cat 1.example.config.txt [deepl] url= key=redacted [pass] password=shazam!!! fritz@laptop:~/Documents/repo1$