###### from my Perl pm module our @ticketsFields = qw( ... every column in my table...); ### number of columns our $ticketsFieldsSize = @ticketsFields; our @ticketsRecords; sub getTicketsRecords { ### my conditional arguments ### to be used in WHERE and AND my (...multiple args... ) = @_; ### build select command ### grabbing every column my $dbCommand = qq^select ^; foreach (@ticketsFields) { $dbCommand .= "$_,"; } $dbCommand =~ s/,$//; ### and the conditional arguments passed in $dbCommand .= ... ### execute command ### get the data $dbHandle=$db->prepare($dbCommand); $dbHandle->execute(); my $data = $dbHandle->fetchall_arrayref(); $dbHandle->finish; ### go throught every row, in the reference array foreach my $rows (@{$data}) { ### dereference the first/next row my @newArray = @{$rows}; ### create a blank hash my %GenericData; ### loop through the new row ### for every column in the table for(my $x = 0; $x < $ticketsFieldsSize; $x++) { ### assign the key and value in the hash $GenericData{$ticketsFields[$x]} = $newArray[$x]; } ### add reference to has to an array push @ticketsRecords, \%GenericData; } ### pass back a reference to my array of hash references return \@ticketsRecords; }