use strict; use warnings; use Time::HiRes qw (usleep); use Win32; use Win32::Console; my $console; my @console_event; undef $/; unless ($console = new Win32::Console STD_INPUT_HANDLE) { print STDERR "\nSomething has gone wrong with the Win32::Console constructor: $!\n\n"; die; } $console -> Mode (ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT); print "Perl version $^V running on ", join (" ", Win32::GetOSName), ".\n\n"; print "Your mouse has ", $console->MouseButtons(), " buttons.\n\n"; print "Go ahead, make my day ...\n\n"; my $start_time = time (); my $when_to_stop_waiting = $start_time + 15; while (time () < $when_to_stop_waiting) { if ($console -> GetEvents ()) { @console_event = $console -> Input (); print "A console event has been detected. Its attributes are the following:\n\n"; print "$_\n" for @console_event; print "\nGood job.\n"; exit; # exit the program, do not fall through to that final print instruction } else { usleep 100; # sleep for 10 milliseconds, i.e. a hundredth of a second, to prevent # this program from getting into a really tight loop and crowding out # everyone else, but even without this usleep instruction the mouse # clicks are still not detected } } print "The time to stop waiting has been reached. Your input was not detected.\n"; print "Better luck after seeking the wisdom of the monks.\n"; #### Go ahead, make my day ... A console event has been detected. Its attributes are the following: 1 1 1 70 33 102 32 Good job. #### H:\sandbox>perl Perl version v5.32.0 running on Win10 Build 18363 (64-bit). Your mouse has 16 buttons. Go ahead, make my day ... The time to stop waiting has been reached. Your input was not detected. Better luck after seeking the wisdom of the monks. H:\sandbox>