run_type = dev, max_monitor_time = 0.25 verbosity_level = 2 batch = ( source = sample_document_collection_1 files = Confucius.docx dest = Enterprise:Department ) #### / # Beginning of regex ^ # align regex to start of SYSPBUFF (?: # non-capturing group to limit the effect of the following negative lookahead (?!.*batch\s*=) # negative lookahead, no "batch=" pattern # allowed starting at the start of SYSPBUFF ( # start of capture buffer 1 .*? # a sequence of any chars, non-greedy ) # end of capture buffer 1 ( # start of capture buffer 2 \S+ # one or more non-blank chars – this is the “A” of “A = B” ) # end of capture buffer 2 \s* # optional white space = # an equals sign \s* # optional white space ( # start of capture buffer 3 [^\s\,]+ # one or more chars other than a space or comma -- this is the “B” of “A = B” ) # end of capture buffer 3 # Now account for the optional comma after each of the A = B strings (?: # start of non-capturing optional group \s* # white space after the specified value \, # a comma \s* # optional white space after the comma )? # end of non-capturing optional group ) # end of the negative lookahead limiting # group ( # start of capture group 4 .* # a sequence of any chars, non-greedy batch # the literal string "batch" (not quoted) \s* # optional white space = # an equals sign .* # a sequence of any chars, greedy ) # end of capture group 4 $ # align regex to end of SYSPBUFF /ix # end of regex