>> b 262 >> c INFO: 5.mp.pl at 5.mp.pl line 94. event2epoch(): setting time to '03:22:31' ... event2epoch(): setting timezone via 'location' coordinates lat:43.61, lon:-116.2 ... event2epoch(): deduced timezone to 'Etc/GMT-7' and setting it ... INFO: Moon age: 8.12733852952393 days at 5.mp.pl line 103. INFO: Moon phase: 27.5 % of cycle (birth-to-death) at 5.mp.pl line 104. INFO: Moon's illuminated fraction: 57.9 % of full disc at 5.mp.pl line 107. main::get_elevation_from_coordinates(5.mp.pl:262): 262: my ( $lat, $lon, $debug ) = @_; >> s main::get_elevation_from_coordinates(5.mp.pl:268): 268: $debug //= 0; >> v 265: use HTTP::Request; 266: use Data::Roundtrip; 267 268==> $debug //= 0; 269 270: my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( agent => 271 'Moz

These values are not the zero values I was concerned about

illa/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0', ); 272 273: my $response; 274: my $payload = >> p @_ 43.61-116.20 >> p $debug 0 >> b 312 >> b 317