C:\_32\pscrpt\inline>perl bliako.pl Case1: @out ok 1 - Case1: called success. ok 2 - Case1: rows are 5 not ok 3 - Case1 : item 0 is ARRAYref. # Failed test 'Case1 : item 0 is ARRAYref.' # at bliako.pl line 72. Bizarre copy of ARRAY in list assignment at C:/perl-5.34.0/lib/Test/Builder.pm line 802. # Tests were run but no plan was declared and done_testing() was not seen. # Looks like your test exited with 255 just after 3. #### ok 1 - Case1: called success. ok 2 - Case1: rows are 5 SV = PVAV(0x7ae098) at 0x33cab0 REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = () ARRAY = 0x2f0d7d8 FILL = 2 MAX = 3 FLAGS = (REAL) Elt No. 0 SV = IV(0x33cad0) at 0x33cae0 REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = (IOK,pIOK) IV = 42 Elt No. 1 SV = IV(0x33cab8) at 0x33cac8 REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = (IOK,pIOK) IV = 42 Elt No. 2 SV = IV(0x33cb30) at 0x33cb40 REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = (IOK,pIOK) IV = 42 not ok 3 - Case1 : item 0 is ARRAYref. # Failed test 'Case1 : item 0 is ARRAYref.'