package Bod::CRM; use DBI; use Bod::Variables; use strict; use warnings; =head1 Name Bod::CRM =head1 Synopsis Bod::CRM provides simple methods to access the Lets Delight CRM. use Bod::CRM; my $crm = Bod::CRM->new(); my $vars = { 'firstname' => 'John', 'lastname' => 'Smith', 'pri_email' => '', }; $crm->add($vars); my $vars = { 'firstname' => 'John', }; my @contacts = $crm->find($vars); print $crm->error; =head2 Error Handling Except where otherwise documented, methods return zero to indicate an error. The error message can be found by calling the B method. =head2 Description =cut =head4 new(environment); =over 1 Creates a new connection to the CRM. If I is 'prod' or 'test', that environment is used. If I is omitted, an attempt is made to find the environment from the C<$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}> variable. Returns a B object or I if unsuccessful. Unsuccessful means either the environment was wrong or the connection to the database failed for another reason. =back =cut sub new { my ($class, $env) = @_; if (!$env and $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'} =~ /^(.*?)\./) { $env = $1; } $env = 'prod' if $env eq 'www'; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$Bod::Variables::db_prefix$env:localhost:3306", "$Bod::Variables::db_username", "$Bod::Variables::db_password"); if (!$dbh) { warn("Unable to connect to $env database - " . $DBI::errstr); return undef; } my @schema_fields; my $query = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM information_schema.`COLUMNS` WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '$Bod::Variables::db_prefix$env' AND TABLE_NAME = '$Bod::Variables::C_Table'"); $query->execute; while (my ($field) = $query->fetchrow_array) { push @schema_fields, $field; } my $self = bless { 'env' => $env, 'dbh' => $dbh, 'error' => '', 'field' => \@schema_fields }, $class; return $self; } =head4 error(); =over 1 Return a string detailing the last error. =back =cut sub error { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{error}; } =head4 find(fields, blanks); =over 1 Finds a list of people in the CRM matching all the I passed as a hash reference. Empty strings are not matched unless the optional I parameter is true. Returns an array of people IDs that match all keys as fields to values as contents. =back =cut sub find { my ($self, $fields, $blanks) = @_; my $where; my @place; my $flag = 0; foreach my $field(keys(%$fields)) { next unless $fields->{$field} or $blanks; $where .= " AND " if $flag; $where .= "$field = ?"; push @place, $fields->{$field}; $flag = 1; } my @ids; my $query = $self->{'dbh'}->prepare("SELECT idContact FROM $Bod::Variables::C_Table WHERE $where"); $query->execute(@place); while (my $id = $query->fetchrow_array) { push @ids, $id; } return @ids; } =head4 get(id); =over 1 Get information about the person with given I Returns a hash reference containing keys with the values of the CRM field names. =back =cut sub get { my ($self, $id) = @_; return $self->{'dbh'}->selectrow_hashref("SELECT * FROM $Bod::Variables::C_Table WHERE id$Bod::Variables::C_Table = ?", undef, $id); } =head4 add(fields); =over 1 Add a person to the CRM or update existing person Given the information in the passed hash reference I add or update a person. If the B or B fields match then update an existing person, otherwise add a new person. If a new person is being added then the I source key must be set to the correct value to correspond with the B table. If the source key is not set or insufficient information is provided, returns zero. Otherwise returns the contact ID of the person created or updated. =back =cut sub add { my ($self, $fields) = @_; my $id; $id = $self->{'dbh'}->selectrow_array("SELECT id$Bod::Variables::C_Table FROM $Bod::Variables::C_Table WHERE pri_email= ? OR sec_email = ?", undef, $fields->{'email'}, $fields->{'email'}) if $fields->{'email'}; $fields->{'twitter'} =~ s/^\@//; $id = $self->{'dbh'}->selectrow_array("SELECT id$Bod::Variables::C_Table FROM $Bod::Variables::C_Table WHERE twitter = ?", undef, $fields->{'twitter'}) if $fields->{'twitter'} and !$id; $fields->{"id$Bod::Variables::C_Table"} = $fields->{'id'} if $fields->{'id'} and !$fields->{"id$Bod::Variables::C_Table"}; # These fields should not be set manually $fields->{$Bod::Variables::S_Table} = undef; $fields->{'created'} = undef; $fields->{'updated'} = undef; my @place; my $set; my $flag = 0; foreach my $field(@{$self->{'field'}}) { if ($fields->{$field}) { $set .= ', ' if $flag; $set .= "$field = ?"; push @place, $fields->{$field}; $flag = 1; } } if ($id) { my $query = $self->{'dbh'}->prepare("UPDATE $Bod::Variables::C_Table SET $set, updated = DATE(NOW()) WHERE id$Bod::Variables::C_Table = $id"); $query->execute(@place); } else { if (!$fields->{'source'}) { $self->error = 'No source code provided for contact'; return 0; } if (!$fields->{'firstname'} and !$fields->{'email'} and !$fields->{'twitter'}) { $self->error = 'Insufficient information provided for contact'; return 0; } my $query = $self->{'dbh'}->prepare("INSERT INTO $Bod::Variables::C_Table SET $set, created = DATE(NOW()), $Bod::Variables::S_Table = ?"); $query->execute(@place, $fields->{'source'}); $id = $self->{'dbh'}->selectrow_array("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"); } return $id; } =head4 business(contact, business, subscribe) =over 1 Adds the person to the business unit as definded in the B table. Has no effect if the person is already added to the business unit. However, if the optional I is true, the person will be resubscribed to the list if they had previously unsubscribed. Returns true if the person is in the busines unit, zero if it has failed and I if an error has occurred. =back =cut sub business { my ($self, $contact, $business, $subscribe) = @_; unless ($contact > 0 and $business > 0) { $self->error = 'Invalid Contact or Business parameters'; return undef; } my $update; $update = ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE subscribe = 1' if $subscribe; my $query = $self->{'dbh'}->prepare("INSERT IGNORE INTO $Bod::Variables::B_Table_has_$Bod::Variables::C_Table SET $Bod::Variables::C_Table_id$Bod::Variables::C_Table = ?, $Bod::Variables::B_Table_id$Bod::Variables::B_Table = ?, subscribe = 1$update"); $query->execute($contact, $business); return $self->{'dbh'}->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $Bod::Variables::B_Table_has_$Bod::Variables::C_Table WHERE $Bod::Variables::C_Table_id$Bod::Variables::C_Table = ?, $Bod::Variables::B_Table_id$Bod::Variables::B_Table = ?", undef, $contact, $business); } =head4 marketing(contact, business, permission, grant) =over 1 Set the marketing permissions for a person on the specified business unit. The I parameter is defined in the B table. Normally, this method will grant the permission but can also revoke the permision by passing 'R' as the optional I parameter =back =cut sub marketing { my ($self, $contact, $business, $permission, $grant) = @_; unless ($contact > 0 and $business > 0 and $permission > 0) { $self->error = 'Invalid Contact, Business or Permission parameters'; return undef; } $grant = 'G' unless $grant eq 'R'; my $query = $self->{'dbh'}->prepare("INSERT INTO $Bod::Variables::M_Table SET $Bod::Variables::C_Table_id$Bod::Variables::C_Table = ?, $Bod::Variables::B_Table_id$Bod::Variables::B_Table = ?, date = NOW(), giveRem = ?, Permission_idPermission = ?"); $query->execute($contact, $business, $grant, $permission); return $self->{'dbh'}->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $Bod::Variables::M_Table WHERE $Bod::Variables::C_Table_id$Bod::Variables::C_Table = ?, $Bod::Variables::B_Table_id$Bod::Variables::B_Table = ? AND Permission_idPermission = ? AND date > NOW() - INTERVAL 2 SECOND", undef, $contact, $business, $permission); } 1;