#!/usr/bin/perl # This is the index for Collections. use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw( all ); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use lib '../files/lib'; use Base::Page qw(page story); use Util::StoryMagic::Collection qw(collection_magic); my $magic = collection_magic; page( 'code' => sub { story(*DATA, { 'line magic' => $magic }) }); __DATA__ Welcome to Lady Aleena's B, which is lists of A, A, A, A, A, and A I am willing to admit I own or use. The list of movies here is just those movies I own and should not to be confused with my more general interest in A. Tie-ins are books and music connected to movies or television series. I also share my A elsewhere. Here is a key for the notations after each title with the exception of programs. #### #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw( all ); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use lib '../files/lib'; use Base::Page qw(page story); use Util::StoryMagic::Collection qw(collection_magic); my $magic = collection_magic; page( 'code' => sub { story(*DATA, { 'doc magic' => $magic, 'line magic' => $magic }) }); __DATA__ This is my B of SPAN, SPAN, and SPAN. #### #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw( all ); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use lib '../files/lib'; use Base::Page qw(page story); use Util::StoryMagic::Collection qw(collection_magic); my $magic = collection_magic; page( 'code' => sub { story(*DATA, { 'doc magic' => $magic, 'line magic' => $magic }) }); __DATA__ This is my B of SPAN, SPAN, and SPAN. #### #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw( all ); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use lib '../files/lib'; use Base::Page qw(page story); use Util::StoryMagic::Collection qw(collection_magic); my $magic = collection_magic; page( 'code' => sub { story(*DATA, { 'doc magic' => $magic, 'line magic' => $magic }) }); __DATA__ This is my B of SPAN, SPAN<45s|^ffs^>, SPAN, and SPAN. If it is not on a CD, I have not heard it in a long long time. SPAN<☹|class="bigger"> #### #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw( all ); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use lib '../files/lib'; use Base::Page qw(page story); use Util::StoryMagic qw(program_magic); my $magic = program_magic; page( 'code' => sub { story(*DATA, { 'line magic' => $magic }) }); __DATA__ This is a list of B that I am using or have used. I can not account for I the software we have had and used over the years. Some of it was so bad, we blanked it out of our heads. This list does not include a full list of hardware drivers either. So much software, so little time or in this case patience. #### #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw( all ); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use lib '../files/lib'; use Base::Page qw(page story); use Util::StoryMagic::Collection qw(collection_magic); my $magic = collection_magic; page( 'code' => sub { story(*DATA, { 'line magic' => $magic }) }); __DATA__ This is my film and television B. For books: SPAN, SPAN, and SPAN. For music: SPAN, SPAN, SPAN<45s|^ffs^>, and SPAN. #### #!/usr/bin/perl # This is the index for Collections. use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw( all ); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use CGI::Minimal; use HTML::Entities qw(encode_entities); use lib '../files/lib'; use Base::Page qw(page story); use Util::Data qw(file_directory file_list); use Util::StoryMagic qw(program_magic); use Util::StoryMagic::Collection qw(collection_magic); my $cgi = CGI::Minimal->new; my $collection = $cgi->param('collection') ? encode_entities($cgi->param('collection'),'<>"') : undef; my $magic = $collection && $collection eq 'Program' ? program_magic : collection_magic; my $collections_dir = file_directory('Collections'); my @collections_list = file_list($collections_dir); my @collections = map { $_ =~ s/\.txt//; $_ =~ s/_/ /g; $_ } grep {/^\p{uppercase}/} @collections_list; my $heading = q(Lady Aleena's ); $heading .= $collection && grep( $collection =~ /$_/, @collections ) ? lc "$collection collection" : 'collections'; my $collection_file = $collection ? "$collections_dir/$collection.txt" : "$collections_dir/index.txt"; $collection_file =~ s/ /_/g; open(my $collection_fh, '<', $collection_file) || die $!; page( 'heading' => $heading, 'code' => sub { story($collection_fh, { 'doc magic' => $magic, 'line magic' => $magic }); } ); #### sub base_menu { my %opt = @_; my $directory = $opt{'directory'}; my $curr_cwd = cwd; my @contents = file_list($directory); @contents = grep {/^\p{uppercase}/} @contents if (!$opt{'full'} || $opt{'full'} !~ /^[yt1]/); # Thank you [tye]! # Thank you [davido]! my $sub = $directory =~ /(Other_poets|Player_characters|Spellbooks)$/ ? \&name_sort : \&article_sort; @contents = sort { $sub->($a, $b, { 'misc' => $opt{'misc'} }) } @contents; my (@files, @directories); for my $content (@contents) { my $long_content = "$directory/$content"; my $link = File::Spec->abs2rel($long_content); my $text = $content !~ /^\./ ? textify($content) : $content; if (-f $long_content) { my $active = realpath($0) eq $long_content ? 'active' : 'inactive'; my $color = $opt{'color'} == 1 ? link_color($content,1) : undef; my $inlist = $active eq 'active' && $opt{'file menu'} ? ['u', $opt{'file menu'}, { 'class' => 'sub_menu' }] : undef; $active .= $active eq 'active' && $opt{'file menu'} ? ' open' : ''; if (-M $long_content < 3) { $active .= ' updated'; } push @files, [anchor($text, { 'href' => $link, 'title' => $text, 'style' => $color }), { 'class' => $active, 'inlist' => $inlist } ]; } if (-d $long_content) { my $active = $curr_cwd =~ /$long_content/ ? 'open active' : 'closed inactive'; my $file_list; my $index = "$long_content/index.pl"; if (-e $index) { $link .= "/index.pl"; my $color = $opt{'color'} == 1 ? link_color($link,1) : undef; $text = anchor($text, { 'href' => $link, 'title' => $text, 'style' => $color }); $file_list = "$curr_cwd/$0" =~ /$index/ && $active =~ / active$/ && $opt{'file menu'} ? $opt{'file menu'} : undef; } my $next_list = base_menu( 'directory' => $long_content, 'color' => $opt{'color'}, 'full' => $opt{'full'}, 'misc' => $opt{'misc'}, 'file menu' => $opt{'file menu'} ); push @$next_list, @$file_list if $file_list; my $inlist = $next_list ? ['u', $next_list] : undef; $active =~ s/^(?:open|closed) // if !$inlist; push @directories, [$text, { 'class' => $active, 'inlist' => $inlist}]; } } my @file_lines = (@files, @directories); return @file_lines > 0 ? \@file_lines : undef; }