${BIN_DIR}/tapeloadListing.pl >> ${LOGS_DIR}/corps.${VERSION_DATE}.log #2>&1 if (( $? == 0 )); then echo "PERL script used to get the tapeload snapshot ran successfully" else echo "PERL script used to get the tapeload snapshot failed, hence aborting the script as the files can't be downloaded" | mailx -s "CORP V2 BUILD ERROR - ${VERSION_DATE}" ${MAIL_ADMIN} exit 1; fi #### $fh = new FileHandle; $fh -> open("< /export/home/$ADMIN/pwds/ftp_pass.txt") or die "Error opening FTP password file, $!"; $TAPELOAD_PWD = sprintf <$fh>; $fh -> close; print $TAPELOAD_PWD chomp($TAPELOAD_PWD);