Title Percent2 Percent3 test1.cpp 0.00% of 21 0.00% of 16 test2.c None 16.53% of 484 test3.h 0.00% of 138 None #### #!perl local @match; open(FILE_EXPECTED_RESULT, "< gcov_report.txt"); while() { chomp($_); if ($_ ne "") { print $_ . "\n"; (@match) =($_ =~ /((.*\.c\s)|(.*\.h\s)|(.*\.cpp\s))|(\s+(.*)\%\s+(of)\s+\d+\s)|(\bNone\b)/g); print "title : ".$match[0]."\n"; print "percent2 : ".$match[1]."\n"; print "percent3 : ".$match[2]."\n"; } } close (FILE_EXPECTED_RESULT); #### Title Percent2 Percent3 title : percent2 : percent3 : test1.cpp 0.00% of 21 0.00% of 16 title : test1.cpp percent2 : percent3 : test2.c None 16.53% of 484 title : test2.c percent2 : test2.c percent3 : test3.h 0.00% of 138 None title : test3.h percent2 : percent3 : test3.h